Archives for May 7, 2009

wanna win some tea?

Courtney, aka the hungry yogini is giving away a Lipton goodie basket.

So get thee over there and sign up!!

Here’s the sight…


my camera dock.  Has anyone seen it??

Seriously I can’t find it anywhere.  I was ready to start posting again today, too.  I hate my stupid camera, and I hate that you have to have a dock to upload the pictures- I can’t just connect it with a usb cable.  I asked for a new camera for my bday, but that’s still well over a month away!


Off to search some more.

p.s.  I redid my theme- like it?  I did some of it myself, with the help of the awesome theme! yay! Oh, and can you tell that I like pink? Is it too girly?