Archives for August 21, 2009

a trip to the vet

My poor pup!  I have no idea what she did to her paw, but the skin on the pad of her paw ripped off part of the way.  She was fine when we picked her up after vacation, but then the next day she was hopping around and wouldn’t put any weight on her paw.  So I called the vet but they were booked up until today.  So for the last two days she’s had to hop around on three legs.  Poor baby.  So one vet visit and $300 later (yikes!) here we are with some pain killers and bandages.  We have to keep her paw wrapped up and give her some meds for the pain and to prevent infection. 

She’s not a happy camper- she hates going to the vet.


When we got home from the vet I was sooo hungry.  Anabelle took a nap because her pain killers were kicking in and I made some lunch.

Leftover taco soup with a couple of tortilla chips crumbled up on top, pepperjack cheese, and a dollop of greek yogurt.  Yum!

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Taco soup is so easy to make and the leftovers are even better!

Then it was on to the eye drs to get my glasses adjusted then back home to check on the girls.  Anabelle is still drugged out (lol), and Harley can’t figure out what the bandages on Anabelle’s paw are so she keeps looking at them and howling.  Nonstop.

I’m about to start working on dinner- crockpot lasagna!!  Can’t wait! 
