Archives for March 31, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Almond Butter

I have been wanting to make this for forever!  There are several different recipes out there on the web, but none of them really appealed to me and most of them have quite a bit of added sugar.  I don’t like sugar in my almond butter, I find that it never really dissolves all the way so it leaves kind of a crunchy/gritty texture.

So I just decided to come up with my own version!



Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Almond Butter

(Print this recipe!)

2 cups almonds
2 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt
drizzle of agave nectar (probably 1 maybe 2 tsp)
1/2 cup chocolate chips, chopped(or the mini ones would be good too!)

Toast almonds in a 300 F oven for 20 minutes, stirring them every 5 or so minutes (so they don’t burn!).  Let them cool completely before you work with them!

Process in your food processor until it reaches a nice smooth consistency- about 10 minutes (for technique help see my almond butter tutorial!)

Add your vanilla and agave nectar.  If you don’t like the consistency of your almond butter you can add a tsp of canola oil at this point.

Let it cool to room temp- the food processor will make the almond butter very warm, you have to let it cool down before you stir in the chocolate chips or they’ll melt!  Trust me on this one!

Stir in the chocolate chips and enjoy!