Archives for August 6, 2011

Weekly Weigh In: Week 9

Last week’s weight: 172.2
This week’s weight: 173.6

Change this week: + 1.4
Total weight lost:  36.4 lbs



This week was so stressful for me.  And I gain weight like crazy when I’m stressed as much as I am right now despite doing everything right.  It happens.  Let’s just keep moving, shall we?

I went to an actual weight watchers meeting this morning, so hopefully that will be helpful motivation for the week.  I’ve just been using the etools and doing it on my own up to now.

Hopefully next week’s numbers will look better!



Fit Fab Friday: Stressed Edition


I had a really bad week this week and I wasn’t able to work out much at all.  Thumbs down

My car broke down Friday evening in downtown Dallas.  We called the roadside assistance and waited (and waited and waited) for a tow truck.  We waited for 4 hours.  Outside with the car because they told us not to leave the car.  4 hours.  The temp has been hovering around 110 lately.  So not only did I not have a car for a few days, but I also think I was quite dehydrated- I’ve been feeling really bad all week.  Tired, sluggish, and overall horrible.

We had the car towed to a local place and finally got home around 11 that night.  So I was without a car all weekend, on Monday and on Tuesday.  I finally got it back Tuesday evening- Hallelujah!  P.S. sharing a car realllly sucks- I had to take the hubby to work, drive to Dallas for school, then go straight to Granbury after school and pick him up from work; leaving the house at 7 am and getting back around 8 pm. 

Needless to say I was exhausted and feeling horrible all week.  Not to mentioned completely stressed out trying to balance all this with the 3 tests and 6 quizzes I had for school last week.  I am one gigantic wad of stress right now and I feel like I’m on the verge of flipping out!  Bah!


The class is over next week, then the hubby and I are headed to Austin for a weekend getaway, then the next weekend is the Healthy Living Summit!!!  So I’ve got some super fun things planned if I can just get through this week!

I only got in one workout this week.  And it was today.  I did the elliptical for an hour.  And it felt GREAT to workout!!!

Next week’s plan is almost a repeat of last week’s plan!  I’ll probably take off next weekend since I’ll be in Austin, so that’s why I’m working out every day this week.

Saturday- Kickboxing at the gym
Sunday- 2 mile run
Monday-  Kickboxing at the gym
Tuesday- Elliptical + weights
Wednesday– 2 mile run
Thursday- Elliptical + weights

Have a fit fab Friday!
