Archives for August 9, 2011

Things I’m Obsessed With!

I get into obsession mode sometimes when it comes to my favorite things.  I usually yammer on about my obsessions on Facebook, but today I was thinking why not just bring it to the blog?!  I’m going to try to keep it around 5 things each time I do one of these- because honestly I could go on and on!

So here we go…

Things I’m Obsessed With, Edition 1

#1 Taking pictures of my dog

I. Cannot. Stop!  She’s so darn cute!  And the look on her face is usually like “pleeeease stop!”  Haha!



#2 Iced Green Tea


Cannot stop drinking it!  Multiply this times like 5 in one day and you’ll understand just how deep the obsession is!


#3 Sprouted Grain English Muffins


LOVE!  English Muffin Pizzas?  Yes please!  Breakfast Sammies?  Yes please!  The ideas are endless and this particular brand is the best- so hearty and grainy! 


#4 Guittard Extra Dark Chocolate Chips



Oh my word these are insane!  I really don’t like the semisweet chocolate chips very much(they taste weird!), so when I came across these I was super excited!  Honestly, they are an extremely good quality dark chocolate- they’re better than a lot of the really expensive “fancy” dark chocolates I’ve had and they’re around $3 for the bag!  I like to keep a bag around and have some as an after dinner sweet sometimes.  If you stick to a serving, they’re pretty decent on the calorie budget- only 70 cals per serving!  Can’t beat that with a stick!


#5 Mama Peas New Cookbook


I cannot seem to put this down!  The recipes are fab- I made the teriyaki tofu last night!  And I can’t wait to try some of the desserts! (my oven is broken, so It will have to wait till I have time to go shopping for a new one!)  And it is SO funny!  Seriously if you don’t have this, you should really go out and get it- you will definitely not regret it!


Well, those are my top 5 things I’m obsessed with! What can you not live without right now?
