Archives for October 11, 2011

What’s for dinner tonight?

OMG you guys I just realized I haven’t posted in over a week!!  There’s been SO much going on with school that that’s pretty much all I have time for these days with all the tests, quizzes, research papers, and group projects I’ve got going on right now.  It’s been crazy busy over here!

I actually had a Meatless Monday recipe that I wanted to share, but I lost the piece of paper that I wrote the recipe on!  It was a pretty amazing chana masala recipe too!  I hope I find it because I really want to share it!

So instead how about a what’s for dinner post?

Tonight I made the Migas Especiales from the Engine 2 book.  And ZOMG it was a-mazing!


It was a tofu scramble and it also had onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, tortillas and I topped it with a little Daiya pepperjack!  NOM!


Served with a side of mixed fruit and a couple of corn tortillas for scooping!  So. Good.


Oh and P.S. the Rangers won tonight! BEST. GAME. EVER!!!!

Take a lookie- Cruz is my homeboy!! (just click on the video and it’ll take you to to watch the clip!)


And P.P.S. we have World Series tickets!  WOOT WOOT!!


