Archives for November 13, 2011

Foodbuzz Blogger Festival 2012

Hey friends!  My life is fairly stressful right now.  It’s crunch time in school.  You know that point in the semester where there are eleventy billion projects due and several tests all in the same week?  I haven’t blogged in almost 2 weeks and I feel horrible!  Especially since I had the amazing opportunity to go to the foodbuzz blogger festival last weekend and had THE most amazing time!

Foodbuzz is a community of foodies and it is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever been a part of!  I’ve not taken full advantage of the greatness of foodbuzz even though I’ve been part of it for almost 3 yrs now.  This is all about to change very soon!  I’ll be re-focusing my blog and I’m getting a blog redesign very very soon.  As soon as that rolls out I’ll explain more about why I’m changing the focus of my blog.  I’m super excited about this and I can’t wait!!

Last year I saw everyone’s pictures and read all about the Foodbuzz blogger festival and I just knew that I had to try to go this year.  As soon as the email came out I grabbed my ticket!!

You guys I had the most amazing time at this and I met some of the most amazing people!  I’m SO SO happy that I was able to be a part of this!  This was not like another blogger conference that I went to this summer- that one was very cliquey and it felt like everyone was trying to “one-up” each other the whole time and they only talked about how awesome their blog was and how much traffic their blog got.  I wish I was kidding about that.  It was like we were all equals here.  There was no I’m a big blogger so I’m better than you and your tiny blog feeling.  I felt completely comfortable just walking up and talking to anyone there.  In fact I did- I walked right up to Mama Pea and introduced myself and chatted with her.  We’re totally BFF now by the way. Winking smile  (she probably thought I was a crazy person but she was sooooo nice- I totally have a crush on her!).  There was no talk about numbers of readers or how much money anyone makes off their blogs.  There was only talk of amazing food, amazing recipes, beautiful pictures, great friends, and making your blog the best you can make it!  I loved every minute of this conference.

Now to some pictures!

Laura and I got to San Francisco on Thursday evening and had a little dinner(we went to a place called E&O Trading Co.  SO good!), then walked around a bit and ended up at the Ferry Building, then headed back to the hotel to sleep off a little jetlag.

Friday morning we grabbed some oatmeal and coffee at Starbucks and Laura headed out to an open house for a Dietetic Internship (which she said was really amazing, so I may have to go check it out next year when I’m looking at internships!).  After she left I walked to Trader Joes and bought some goodies (we don’t have one here in TX yet, but it’s been confirmed that we will be getting one in Ft. Worth in the spring, yipee!)  Then I headed back to the hotel and checked in for the conference.  We got a nice little swag bag with lots of goodies in it.



Then Michelle got there!!!  Love that crazy girl!  We chatted it up waiting for Laura to get done with her open house, then met her for lunch and went walking around SF taking some pictures!



Look at this hill!!  We totally climbed up it and I almost died twice! Winking smile





Then it was time for me to get ready for the welcome reception and dinner!  When I first got there I felt a little awkward because I didn’t know anyone.  I was just about to get the courage up to go talk to a random person when Betsy walked right up to me and said hi.  We ended up hanging out and talking all evening!  Go check out her blog- she’s amazing!!



My dinner consisted mostly of beet ravioli (sounds weird, but it was amazing) and lentil salad(which I’m going to have to recreate STAT!).  I have no idea what the little desserts were but I had a bite of each of them.  The pumpkin-y one in the back was the best.


Saturday’s events coming up in my next post, so stay tuned!!
