Archives for March 27, 2012

Rock ‘n Roll Dallas Half Marathon Recap Part I

Well, I did it!  I finished my second half marathon!  This past weekend I did the Rock ‘n Roll Dallas half and I survived!  I’m going to split my recap into two parts to make it easier to read.  And also because I have lots to say!

Part I is the Expo and Part II will be the actual race recap.

Expo Day

So I went to pick up my packet at the Dallas convention center and there also happened to be an auto show there the same day.  It was nutso!  Parking was almost impossible.  I couldn’t find any free parking so I ended up having to pay $10 for parking.  Blah. Hey Rock ‘n Roll, you should have your expo at fair park next time! (seriously)

Finally got my packet and race shirt and got to wander around the expo a bit.  It was a good expo- I got lots of free samples!

2012-03-24 13.09.19

2012-03-24 13.09.37

2012-03-24 13.17.33

Really Brooks?  So weird!

2012-03-24 13.09.04

I love when CLIF is at an expo- they put out SO many samples!  You can pretty much eat a meal at their booth!

2012-03-24 13.23.31

Race goodies!

2012-03-24 18.07.25

Hey look- it’s a race shirt that’s NOT WHITE! (YAY!!)

2012-03-24 18.08.29


I wandered around downtown for a few mins after the expo- I wanted to get my money’s worth since I had to pay for parking!  Even in the middle of the city we like to incorporate a little nature!

2012-03-24 13.38.16

2012-03-24 13.35.14

2012-03-24 13.37.26


And then off to my favorite food truck (Zombie’s Food Truck) for a little lunch!  They just happened to be about a mile away from downtown Dallas that day.  They’re usually in Fort Worth.  I eat there a LOT!  Like enough for the owner to know me by name and yell out “hey it’s Sarah Snacks!” as I walk up. Whoopsie… (Hey, you gotta support the small local businesses!  Especially veg ones!!)   Next time you’re in fort worth look them up!!

2012-03-24 14.00.52


What’s a vegan zombie’s favorite thing to eat?




2012-03-24 14.11.30









I got the beer braised (vegan) brat (braised in local beer, Rahr out of Fort Worth to be exact!), topped with caramelized onions and two kinds of mustard on a whole wheat bollio roll!  Oh my goodness so good!!!

I’m going to do a whole review of the Zombie Food Truck eventually, but I want to try everything on the menu first! 

Then it was home to relax for the next day’s events!

Part II of the recap coming at you tomorrow!!
