Amarillo by Mornin’

No we’re not headed to Amarillo (who would go to Amarillo on purpose?!) I’m listening to all George Straight all the time on Pandora!  I grew up listening to King George, my dad is a big fan, and I still love him to this day.  Great singer (not the greatest actor, despite the fact that Pure Country is one of my favorite movies) and he just seems to be an all around great dude.  Not that I know him or anything, LOL.  This is all in my head of course.

Anyhoo to quote another one of my favorite peeps, Rachael Ray, last nights dinner was delish!

Creamy mushroom linguini.  It’s from my William Sanoma Vegetarian Cookbook and it’s amazing!  I altered the recipe a tiny bit to make it healthier.  Cut down on some oil and used nonfat greek yogurt in place of sour cream.  SO GOOD!

I just sauteed some mushrooms in a little EVOO, added some thyme, garlic, salt, and pepper and a little white wine.  Cooked up some whole wheat linguini, added mushroom concoction and greek yogurt (about 1/2 cup) to the mix and voila!  Very easy and supper yum!  I topped it with some parm cheese and served with some whole wheat french bread and dinner was served.

Here’s what it looked like…



And there was lots leftover so I’ll be having this for lunch for the rest of the week probably.

This morning I tried a new oatmeal combo.  I took my Nature’s Path apple cinnamon oatmeal and added a sliced banana and a spoonful of almond butter.  I wanted to add some stuff to it to see if it would last me a little longer and it definitely did!!  I think the fat from the almond butter was what really made it stick to my ribs!  Really tasty too!



Lunch was more of a snack today since on Wednesdays I have class during lunch.  Some baby carrots and hummus.  Tasty but no pic.  I still haven’t had “lunch” yet.  I’ll probably have another snack here in a bit.  I don’t feel like having a whole meal.

I did pretty well on my Chem test the other day.  It looks like I have a good strong B in Chem.  Which for me is great- I’m not so good with the science!  Of course I would love an A, but I’m not sure it’s possible at this point in the semester.  I did feel better about my B when I found out that the class average was a 65 and that someone made a 35 on the test- yoinks!

Anyhoo- I have an intro to nutrition test on Thursday so I better get cracking on that.

See ya at dinner!

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