Bloggie meet up!

Wednesday night we had a fun North TX blogger meet up in Denton! 

I met Laura in Fort Worth, then we headed to Denton to pick up Heather.

The three of us gals headed out for a pre dinner drink (I can’t remember the name of the place)  But $2 beer- woohoo! (side note- I used to hate beer!  All the sudden I love it.  Random.)



Heather and Laura.



Me and Laura.


Me and Heather.

6.2.11 001


Then we headed on to Mr. Chopsticks, where we met up with some more bloggers!  I’m going to try and remember everyone, but I’m sure I’m missing someone.

Trinity, Nicci, Anne, Mandy



And Basil Tofu!!!!



This food was epic!  Crispy tofu.  Zucchini.  Carrots.  Tomatoes.  Spicy sauce.  And of course basil.  I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

I didn’t get a group shot.  I was too obsessed with this food!

Lots of laughs were shared.  Lots of blog talk.  Good times.



  1. You almost got everyone! The other person was Kelsey! ( So glad to have met you!

  2. I so wish I had been in town. Oh well, guess there will just have to be another meet-up in October when I come!

    You and Heather look really similar! At a glance, I don’t think I would have noticed it was a different person.

    • Haha that’s funny! I hadn’t noticed- we do look a bit alike!

      Of course we will- I HAVE to hang out with you when you come to town!!!

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