Fab Friday!

Before I get any further, Erin has a giveaway going on over at her blog, so get thee over there and check it out ASAP! It’s www.walkinthisworld.com

After I got to school, the usual crazyness ensued.  The kids are aweful this time of year.  TAKS test plus school ending soon = crazy kids!  I’m not even joking.  So I managed to survive the day without losing it and on to the food!

A few hours after I got to work I got hungry so I had a Luna Bar.  This one was not my favorite, but it was pretty good.


Not too much longer and it was lunchtime!  Which also meant the day was halfway over- yay!!


Lunch was:

-Some leftover mac and cheese from last night
-Fresh mixed fruit
-carrots (which I didn’t actually eat because they were kindof dried out and funny tasting)

Then I gave some recorder tests to 5th grade, played some instrument BINGO with 3rd and 4th and it’s 3:15 and my last class is over!

Fast forward 45 minutes and I am at home enjoying an apple and some chocolate chip cookie dough peanut butter!


This was about 30 mins ago and I’m still hungry.  I’m going to go grab another snack.  I don’t know what it is about apples but every time I eat one it makes me SO HUNGRY!  No joke!

I’m also trying to decide if I’m going to work out or not.  My tummy is a little weird feeling so I’m not sure yet.  We’ll see.

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