Hump day (hehehe)

Ahhh, Wednesday!  You are my favorite day of the week!!  It’s the easiest day of the week at work and it’s closer to Saturday than yesterday!

Most of my morning consisted of playing with the pup.  She’s finally napping now so I have a quiet moment to post!  Here are some pics of our new cutie!  (unfortunately our other dog, Anabelle, is way camera shy so she won’t be in the pics even though she was part of playtime)

Mommy, can I pleeeease get up on the couch?!


Look at me, I’m cute!!


Breakfast was some new cereal that I got (Optimum Slim) and it’s delish!!  Also 1/2 of a banana and a cup of coffee.



  1. Aw, your pup is dear.

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