insert something clever here…

I’m running out of titles for posts!  I think I forgot to post yesterday.  I can’t seem to keep my days straight so far this summer!

I started out my day today with some of this…


This stuff is SO good!  It’s super sweet though, just a warning!

I had it on an english muffin with a small mango and a cup of joe.


The mango wanted its own close up!  It was the star of the show- so juicy and perfect!


I worked on the house today.  Apparently Justin doesn’t think he actually needs to unpack all of his crud that we moved in here from the storage unit.  So guess who had to unpack it all?  Me, that’s who.  If it was up to him that stuff would just sit out in boxes until the end of time.  I should have just taken it all to the Goodwill!   That was pretty much all I did today.  I set up the guest room – put the bed together, moved some stuff around, tidied up.  All it needs now is a mattress for the bed and we’ll be ready for some guests.  Who’s coming over??

I hopped on the treadmill mid-morning.  I was feeling the running today.  I just did a quick mile and got back to work.

Lunch was a really yummy sandwich!!  Leftover grilled chicken on a whole wheat Bolillo roll from the Mexican market (5 for $1!!!).  A little olive oil mayo, lettuce, and tomato as well.  With some Corazonas chips.  These things are tasty- they have a nice little zest from the lime!


Close up…


Back to work after lunch.  I started working on a little project.  I am transcribing and transposing some music.  Which isn’t too big of a deal, but the kicker is that I’m working with my dad on this and he’s about as unmusical as you get.  I basically had to transcribe the song as he hummed it.  Yikes.  But being the master of music that I am, I figured it out.

I had a little dried fruit for a snacky in the afternoon, but I forgot to take a picture.  Oh well.

Dinner was made from a recipe in this magazine…


I made black bean fajita meatball pitas.  I deviated from the recipe a bit, which I shouldn’t have.  It was good, but I think it would have been better if I had actually followed the recipe.



The pitas I bought sucked, so one of them had to be eaten with the fixins on top!



Okay, I’m tired of being on the computer, so I’m out!  Plus hubby is running on the treadmill (which is in the office where I’m blogging.  and my laptop is broken and doesn’t travel any more).  And it’s driving me nuts, so goodnight!

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