Mac and cheese mania

We love mac and cheese in this house.  We like it alot!  So when I found a fantabulous deal on Annie’s Mac and Cheese at Costco (a 5 pack for $4.99!!) I was all over it!  This shall be prominent in the coming weeks and I shant apologize!

I like mac and cheese so much I like to make it the main ingredient in a meal.  I almost always make a kind of mac n cheese “bowl” out of it.  These “bowls” always include a veggie of some sort and sometimes meat.

Tonight’s Mac n cheese bowl consisted of:

  • Annie’s Mac and cheese
  • a cool new type of zucchini I found, grilled and sliced
  • hot Italian turkey sausage, grilled and sliced

Look at this neat-o zucchini!  It’s called an 8 ball zucchini.  I found it at central market- their locally grown.


I sliced it in rounds…


Then grilled it up in the grill pan…


I also threw a couple of hot Italian turkey sausages on the grill pan while I worked on the mac and cheese.

Then everything went into the bowl…



Served with a glass of Moscato! MMMM!  I love Muscat grapes, and this wine is SO light and delicious!  Not too dry, not too sweet.  Just right!


So in an attempt to actually get up and do something useful tomorrow instead of sitting on the couch reading and watching TV all day, I’m already trying to schedule my day tomorrow.  Here’s what’s going on so far…

  • spin class at 9:00
  • quick trip to grocery store to grab some stuff for hubby’s picnic birthday celebration on Thursday (!)
  • post office to return Netflix on my way home
  • quick lunch at home and play with my blog for a few minutes
  • chores! sweep and mop, vacuum, tidy up kitchen, clean up bedroom, clean bathroom, work on laundry (didn’t really get any done today like I wanted to)

I guess that’s it!!

Till tomorrow!


  1. That mac and cheese bowl looks fantastic!

  2. Oh, that max n chz bowl looks so good! Love the add-ins.

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