We finally got a little shower!
We need more, though. It’s SOOOO dry! And yesterday it hit 102! The summer grass fires have started and I get a little nervous during this time of year because across the street from me are some woods and a train track. A few yrs ago there was a huge grass fire started RIGHT across the street from my house from some sparks from the train tracks. It was scary. I got home from work and there were fire trucks parked in my driveway. I was freaking out because I thought my house was on fire! Stuff is replaceable, I wasn’t that worried about my stuff – I was so worried about the cat and the dog. They are priceless and so much more important than a house and stuff. Luckily they caught it before it spread. Thank goodness for the wonderful fire department we have!
Anyhoo, I’m doing some rain dances over here today if anyone cares to join in! LOL
It’s kindof a lazy day around here. I’m still hanging around in bed catching up on my blogging and watching some season DVDs of I Love Lucy. I’ve been neglecting my blog so much lately.
For breakfast I whipped up some cottage cheese in my magic bullet and topped it with some blueberries. I also had one of the awesome blueberry muffins I made yesterday with some almond butter smeared on it! Served up with some coffee!
I got this almond butter at Costco the other day. This HUGE jar for $6.49!! The small jars are $11-12 at whole foods- what a steal!! And it’s delish, AND it doesn’t get all hard in the fridge! It stays nice and creamy and stir-able.
I think I’m all caught up on the blogging now. Wow, I wasn’t sure that was possible, lol.
See you at lunch!