Favorite vegan products, part I

Sorry for the unintentional hiatus!  I started a new job and between that and summer classes I’ve been SLAMED!!

I thought it might be fun to go through a few of my favorite vegan products just for anyone who might be curious.  There will be many parts to this new segment, so stay tuned for more!

First and foremost my top two favorite vegan products are FRUITS and VEGETABLES!!  That being said, let’s move on!


I love it because it tastes just like mayo but doesn’t contain any animal products!



SO Delicious coconut milk creamer.

SO much better than soy creamer!  It adds a wonderful texture and flavor to your morning coffee.



Silk Almond Milk.

I love it because it is DELICIOUS!  WAY better than soy milk!!  It’s creamy like whole milk (not watery like soy) and it tastes amazing straight up in a glass.  And almonds are so very good for you!  



Whole Soy and Co soy yogurt. 

6 grams protein, low fat, great source of calcium!  Beats the PANTS off of every other soy yogurt out there!!  Soy yogurt can be hit or miss and this one is definitely a hit!  Favorite flavors so far are peach and blueberry.




This has been my best find so far- it makes amazing mac and cheese, is perfect for pizza, and makes one heck of a grilled cheese!  Best vegan cheese hands down!



Maple Syrup

Love this stuff!  Amazing in oatmeal (and of course on pancakes!), but is also a good natural substitute for sugar.



Agave Nectar

Oh how I love thee!!  It tasted just like honey.  It’s wonderful in tea (hot or cold), smoothies, cereal.



Animal Cookies!

LOVE whole foods animal cookies!!  Most animal cookies have butter and/or milk in them (eww!), but not this brand- and they’re so yummy!



Whole Foods hamburger buns

One of the only burger buns I’ve found that are vegan.  They’re awesome too!


And last on the list for today…


Justin’s chocolate almond butter

Oh.My.Gosh.  This is waaaay better than Nutella!!  Way better for you too!  Enough said,


Hope you enjoyed part one!  More favorites coming soon…


and my financial aid was denied.  I was extremely upset last night (EXTREMELY), but for some reason this morning I woke up feeling positive about it.  I don’t know what orfice I’m going to pull all of that money out of, but I’m going to get it somehow.  This is the point where I would usually just give up and just go look for another crappy job that I’m going to hate and is going to make me miserable. (which I’ve done twice before when I couldn’t get the money to go back to school)  BUT this time the change IS happening, and there is going to be lots of praying in the next few weeks/months but it will all work out somehow.  Now I must move on to another subject because I feel the tears coming on again.

Breakfast today was a repeat of yesterday.  I really wanted a smoothie, but we didn’t have all of the ingredients. 🙁  I’ll have to run to the store at some point today cause if I don’t get a smoothie soon I think I might die.


Mini banana close up. Cute isn’t it?


I was still a little hungry after the cereal, so I had half of a small grapefruit with a little agave drizzled on it.


Then I just laid around on the couch and sulked read.  I’m working on the Twilight series again.  I think this is the 5th time I’ve read through the series (or maybe it’s the 4th- I can’t remember).

Then lunchtime.  I used my last spelt tortilla to make some crack my favorite wrap.


Black beans, cheese.  melt in micro.  add toppings… lettuce, tomato, avocado, salsa, and a dollop of greek yogurt.

It was to big to wrap, so it was more of a taco.


And cherries for dessert.


After lunch I worked on my little music project a bit more and now I’m getting ready to head to the gym!

See ya for dinner!