biking along…

I went for a 15 mile ride on my bikey this morning.  It was AWESOME!!  I can’t wait for saturday!  I wasn’t even that exhausted at the end of the 15 miles- I could have gone more if my butt didn’t hurt so much (I guess I’m still getting used to riding for extended periods of time).  I had a gorgeous ride by the Trinity River.  The trails are beautiful and not too crowded in the morning- mostly the old folks out for a stroll.  I tried not to run over too many of them with my bike (just kidding!). I felt so good after I got my bike packed back onto my car (fun fact- my bike might just be bigger than my car!  I’ll post a pic next time I put the bike rack on and you can be the judge).

Before I went to ride my bike I had some cereals…


A combo of cherrios and nature’s path heritage squares(I think that’s what they’re called) with a baby banana and a splash of skim milk.  I don’t usually eat cherrios (no reason, they just don’t usually fill me up well), but I have been craving them like no other lately.  I finally had to break down and get a box!  The combo of the cherrios and the higher fiber cereal worked really well though- great fuel for my bike ride!
After my bike ride I went and had a salad and sat out on the patio at Central Market.  The diet root beer in the pic did not get consumed- it was gross.  I shoulda known better!


Ahhh, Southern living!  One of my favs!

There was also some Gelato, but it was melting too fast- I wasn’t able to snag a picture.  I love gelato!  It’s alot like ice cream and it’s got less fat and calories.  I think it’s richer than ice cream.  I must research this and get back to you!

Then it was onward toward the casa.  I fired up the grill for dinner!

On the menu tonight was

  • Grilled andouille chicken sausages
  • grilled potatoes

Wow, was this a fabulous meal!!  The potatoes were amazing grilled, kinda like french fries but with that “grilled” flavor.  And the chicken sausage was to die for!  Pardon all the mustard- I’m kinda a mustard-aholic! (blame my dad, who is the mustard king.  I get it from him)

It doesn’t really seem like a whole lot but it was very filling!  In hind sight, I think we could have used another veggie.


potato closeup!


(for the potatoes I just sprayed them with a little EVOO from my Misto and sprinkled with S&P then threw on the grill)

I also had a small handful of cherries.  I couldn’t resist when I saw them at CM this afternoon!  They were wonderful!