I love being weird!

I had a conversation with myself in my head yesterday during lecture and it went something like this…

"Sometimes I wish I was a plant so I could photosynthesize".

"Yeah, but then someone might eat me.  I don’t think I’d like that".

"yeah but plants don’t have a brain or a central nervous system so they don’t feel pain the way we do.  So I don’t think I’d really care if someone ate me".


Yes, that’s totally weird, and I realize that.

But listen… weird people kinda rock!  We’re unique.  We’re definitely interesting- you never know what we might do!  We definitely make the world a better place- who wants to be normal anyway?!  So let’s celebrate our idiosyncrasies!


Some weird things about me:

  • I have conversations with myself in my head all the time- especially when I’m bored (see above example).  Sometimes these convos make me laugh out loud though, and I look just a liiiiittle bit crazy!
  • I’m deathly afraid of fish, birds, and giant POODLES! 
  • I think all things POOP related are hilarious!  (c’mon you can’t say the word poop and not smile!)  I blame it on having two brothers.  For example- I got my brothers doodie of the month calendars, every month has a different pile o’ dog poo in the midst of beautiful scenery!  Another Christmas my bro got me a kids book called “Where’s the poop”?  It’s so awesome!  We also exchange fart related bday cards every year.  SO FUNNY!
  • I LOVE things that are gross!  Example… I loved when we talked about tape worms in Microbiology last semester because of all the grody pictures!  There were pics of worms coming out of peoples ears and noses.  It was AWESOME!
  • I really enjoy having dance parties when I’m at home alone.  Especially to 90’s music!  Think Salt N’ Pepa, MC Hammer, Will Smith, etc.  I put on my keds and my scrunchie and say hello to the running man!
  • I love tofu more than a normal person should.  Like I would eat it every day if I could.  I love it plain! I know- weird!
  • I love to sing show tunes at the top of my lungs and pretend like I’m a Broadway supa star even though in reality I can’t sing a lick!  But in my head I’m a total rock star!
  • I don’t share drinks or food well.  You know that episode of Friends where Joey’s like “JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD!”.  That’s totally me.
  • I think science jokes are HILARIOUS!  My Bio lab partners this semester seem to disagree.  C’mon… “I think I lost an electron”.  “Are you positive?!”  That’s funny!!!

Okay, I think that’s enough for now- I’m going to give myself a complex if I keep going!  (Oh, there are many many more, LOL!)


Okay, your turn!!  Tell me something weird about you!!


weird things…

My camera dock is still missing so I have no pictures to share yet. But I want to write something so I thought I would write about all of the weird things about me.

I am indeed weird and I have a very strange sense of humor (I blame it all on my brothers. Sorry but I’m going to throw you guys under the bus here). So here are some of the things about me that are weird…

I’m scared of fish and poodles.

I’m scared of fish because when I was little we used to have these fish that jumped out of the fish tank (no, I’m not joking!). When one would jump out my mom would just pick it up and throw it back in. Well, one night I was walking through the room without shoes on and I stepped right on one of the fish. I’m shuddering just thinking about it! Oh the horror! Slimy, wiggly, yuckiness! *hurl*.

And I’m only scared of the gigantic poodles, not the little bitty ones. And here’s why- one time I was driving down the road and there was a car next to me that had a GIANT poodle in it. And it was staring me down. It was staring at me like it was going to kill me!! That.freaked.me.out. Now I can’t see a poodle without getting freaked out. Yesterday I was running at the park and this lady was walking a really big poodle and I thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. Not cool, lady- don’t you know that poodles freak me out!

I think poop is funny. So do my brothers, we’re all weird like that. Come on, you can’t say the word poop without smiling!! It’s funny!! We like to talk about poop so much that my brother even got us kids books about poop for Christmas one year! He said he read them before he bought them and he thought he was going to get kicked out of barnes and nobles because he was sitting on the floor in the kids book section laughing his head off and reading books about poop! Oh yeah, and I have a million fart stories because I’ve been teaching for five years- kids just can’t seem to control that kind of stuff! My brother just loves those stories, especially the fart carpet stories!

I am sure that there are many more weird things about me, but none come to mind!

I’m off to search for my camera dock again so I can get back to blogging about FOOD!