Hey guys!! I’m taking a break from the computer this weekend, but I did want to check in real quick and do my weekly weigh in. Mostly because I had a really good weigh in and I’m super pumped about it!
Last week’s weight: 174.6
This week’s weight: 173.4
Change this week: –1.2
Total weight lost: 36.6 lbs
Yipee!!! I didn’t really have a stellar week or anything but I guess my body was just being nice to me. Whatever- I’ll take it!!
This week’s weight watchers meeting was about being successful at the grocery store, which of course, I’m pretty great at! I was able to throw lots of tips in for other members. I couldn’t believe how many people went to the grocery store without a plan and then complained about how expensive groceries were!
I thought I’d share a couple of the tips I shared in the meeting for a successful grocery shopping trip with you!
- ALWAYS go in with a plan. Do not go in without a list. This is when you come out with a gazillion items and nothing to actually make for dinner.
- Stick to the basics. Grocery shopping doesn’t have to be expensive! We’re on a pretty tight budget- sometimes I’m able to leave the store for $40-$50 with a weeks worth of groceries. Sometimes it’s a little more. (I don’t use coupons- they’re a pain in the butt to me, but if you can find some good ones utilize them. Otherwise scour your circulars that you get in the mail and build your meals around what’s on sale that week!) The basics are fruits, veggies, beans, grains, nuts. Most processed foods do NOT fall into the basics category and you don’t NEED them!
- Set a routine. This makes a grocery shopping trip easier. Here’s my routine… on Saturday mornings I go to my weight watchers meeting, then I go to Barnes and Noble (I usually have an hour and a half to kill between my meeting and kickboxing and B&N is right by my gym) and sit in the café and have some coffee and do a meal plan and my grocery list for the week. Then I go to kickboxing. I hit up the grocery store on my way home. This makes my life so much easier because it’s become part of my Saturday morning routine!
These are just a few tips. I’m sure you guys have plenty you can share with me too- let’s hear them! I’m always looking for good tips for grocery shopping!!
Hope you guys have a great weekend- I’ll be back on Monday with another great Meatless Monday recipe!
We will pick out a “fancy dinner” sometimes while grocery shopping rather than doing a date night dinner out. Getting the ingredients ourselves and making something ourselves usually ends up cheaper than eating out and not that much more grocery bill wise if not the same.
That’s a great idea- love it! Fancy like going out but definitely less expensive!
totally agree with going in with a list but at the same time, don’t be afraid to modify the list once you’re in the store. For instance, if blueberries are on my list but raspberries are on sale … I scrap the blues and go for the reds! Always keep your eye out for in-store deals!
That’s why I always scout out the circulars before I go. That way I’ll stuck to my list- surprises aren’t good for me in the grocery store, totally throws me off!
Great job with the weight loss!
I always always overspend when it comes to groceries. And I honestly don’t know how to stop! I keep trying and try to cut back, but it’s so hard.
It was hard for me at first because I always overspent. Lately I’ve been trying to not keep my fridge and pantry so full and that’s helped a lot. I only get what I need for the week that way I don’t end up wasting stuff, which is really like throwing money right into the trash can. I used to be REALLY bad about this!!
I’m the same way – I only buy what I need for the week. Aside from grains, there is very little food I keep on hand. Part of this is become I’m terrified of one day becoming a hoarder so I don’t like to have too much of anything stocked up in my pantry, but it’s also really helpful in sticking to my meal plan and preventing food from winding up on the trash.
If I don’t have a lot of other options in the house, I have to suck it up and eat what I’ve got.
Congrats on keeping the streak going.
I’m going to need a good grocery list and an explanation of what beans work best in each recipe (I’m not good with pairing them, I’d probably use black beans for everything).
Black beans are seriously my fav- I put them on lots of stuff! They’re great with mexican as well as are pintos. White beans are great with Italian type dishes- like canellini beans. Chickpeas, of course hummus! But I also really like chickpeas on salads!
Congrats on the loss lady! You’re doing awesome!
I shared many of the same tips at my meeting! I was surprised by how many people don’t go shopping with a list. Meal planning and going to the store with a list saves me soooo much time and money!
I couldn’t imagine going shopping right after a kickboxing class though! I absolutely cannot shop when I’m hungry or I end up with all sorts of unncessary (and not especially healthy) impulse buys in my cart!
I always have a snack after kickboxing! I definitely don’t go to the grocery store hungry- I did that many times before I learned my lesson, haha!!