
It’s definitely been a while!  Unfortunately the blogging had to go on the backburner for a bit this semester.  Next semester will be a lot lighter so I should be able to blog a lot more!

So let us do a semester wrap up…

I started my first semester back in school!  I’m studying to be a dietician, which if you’ve read the blog before you know already :).  The first semester went very very well.  I’m really proud of myself and the things that I’ve accomplished this semester.  I discovered a lot of things about myself starting this journey.  I found out that I may just have a scientific mind, despite the fact that my mother always tells me I’m not good at science or math.  (I could write a book about all the issues my mother has given me though, so I’ll just leave that one at that).  I discovered that if I work hard I can pretty much do anything I want.   I also discovered that it’s NOT fun to commute 3 hrs a day especially if your route takes you through downtown Fort Worth during rush hour!  yeesh!  I also discovered that even though the Nutrition program that I’m in is the best in the state, the University that I attend is totally lame.  Love the program, hate the school.  Weird, huh?  I’ve remembered how to study again (it’s been a while!) and I also discovered that I miss my old university soooooo much!!  Go TSU!!!!!!!! 


I ended up with pretty good grades.  Got a B in Chemistry(I was two points away from an A and that makes me sad 🙁 ), a B in Statistics (had an A going into the final, but the final totally screwed me), an A in Intro to Nutrition, an A in Food Prep, and an A in both of my labs. 🙂

I actually made a 105 on one of my finals- can you believe that?!  It’s funny because I left that test thinking that I didn’t do well, then when I looked at my grade later I was like whaaaaa?  It’s crazy I say!

So I’m off until Jan 19th.  Yay for vacay!  I’m planning on catching up on my cleaning- the house has been so neglected the last few months.  I’m also going to be doing lots of resting and relaxing! 

Today I’m going to get my Christmas shopping done (I put it off until finals were over).  Right now I’ve got some delicious whole wheat biscuits in the oven just waiting for some yummy butter and preserves to be slathered upon them! YUM!

I’ll post the recipe here in a bit!  Now that I’ve got some time off of studying I’ll be blogging a lot more.  🙂 🙂 🙂

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