Happy Friday!
I could NOT sleep last night! It’s weird because around 10:00 I started getting sleepy, so I read a little and headed to bed around 10:30ish. As soon as I went to bed I was suddenly wide awake! I tossed and turned for about an hour or so before I gave up and went to the living room. I planned out some meals for next week and made a grocery list, then red some more. By this time it was around 4:00 and I was still wide awake. I just gave up and went back to bed. I think I might have finally fallen asleep around 4:30 or so. Then I woke up wide awake around 8 (I can’t usually sleep when there’s light outside). I can already feel myself dragging, and not getting much sleep always upsets my tummy for some reason, so I already feel that coming on and a headache as well.
So I went ahead and got up around 8:30 or so and grabbed something to eat. I was so hungry I didn’t really have the patience to wait to make something so I grabbed an awesome Blueberry Muffin that I made the other day (I’m going to have to make some more, we’re out! Hubby declared this the best blueberry muffin that he has EVER had. You should have seen his face when he took the first bite- it was like it was Christmas or something, LOL)
Then I made a big ole pot of coffee
(I’m pretty sure I’ll need it today!)
A little bit later I made a piece of Ez 4:9 raisin bread with BUTTER. This bread is good without butter, but SOOOO good with it! Mmmmmmm…butter! (BTW- there’s nothing wrong with a little butter, so long as your not eating the whole stick like Paula Dean)
I better ramp up the fruits and veggies later today cause that’s a pretty carb-a-licious breakfast! lol
Right now I’m about to grab the Duvet cover out of the dryer, finish changing the sheets, grab a little lunch (an Amy’s Texas Burger, baked chips, and a piece of fruit of some sort), then I’m going to head to the grocery store for this weeks groceries. I usually go on Saturdays, but tomorrow we’re having lunch/dinner with Justin’s family so I won’t have time to go tomorrow. No biggie, I didn’t really have much planned for today.