Archives for July 24, 2009


I don’t usually go for pancakes during the week, I usually save it for the weekends, but for some reason I really wanted pancakes when I woke up this morning!  Hubby definitely wasn’t complaining, lol!

I used this mix from WF.


It’s whole wheat, so the pancake is pretty dense, but REALLY good!

I topped my pancakes with a tiny drizzle of maple syrup, some strawberries, and some blueberries.




Right now I am just relaxing on the couch watching some morning TV and digesting.  My life is so interesting right now, huh?   I promise it will get much more exciting in about a month. 

I’m skipping working out today.  I’m still sore from my workout with my trainer on Thursday and I work out with her again tomorrow so I feel like my body just needs to rest today.

I think I’m going to take a super hot bath!

See you for lunch!!