Archives for October 2009

never enough time!

I’ll leave that at that.  I don’t even have time to talk about time! LOL

I’m going to try to post shorter posts, more frequently.  Maybe then I’ll be able to post more often.  We’ll see.

Well, we’ll start with breakfast I suppose.

I got some new oatmeal at the grocery store last week.  Since I have to have breakfast on the go so often these days I decided on some organic instant oatmeal.  Paired with a piece of fruit this usually sustains me to lunch pretty well!

I put it in my handy dandy thermos and off I go!  These thermos things are awesome, not like the cheapy ones that you have in grade school that come with your plastic lunchbox (lol).  I put soup in this one day and 7 hrs later it was still HOT!  It’s like magic!!

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Anyway, I had a test in Chemistry today.  I think I did okay, probably a B.  I’m ok with a B in chemistry I think.

On the way home I stopped at Kroger to do my pricing for my meal management lab for food prep- we’re going to make Smoky Baby Portobello Sliders and sweet potato fries!  Can’t wait!!

Lunch was a pita stuffed with turkey breast, lettuce, a little cheese, and some light honey mustard.  Served with some toasted pita chips, baby carrots, and hummus!


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Now I get to study for another test!  This one is Intro to Nutrition and it’s going to be a tough one!!


me + chemistry = BFF

not.  gah, this stuff is boring!

I didn’t have one of my classes today, so I just decided to stay home instead of traveling for a 50 min class and then driving right back.  That’s just silly to waste that much gas for one class.  Especially when she posts her lecture word for word on blackboard.  But that meant that I needed to spend some time with my buddy chemsitry today because I had some homework due.  So 7 hrs later I finished ch 7 homework and about half of ch 8 homework. There are TWENTY pages of homework in ch 8!!!  My brain is on overload right now.  Enough was enough and I couldn’t think straight anymore so I had to call it a day for Chem homework. 

I’m about to go for a run and then I’m going to get started on my next assignment for food prep- my recipe modification, I decided to do something that I have already modified to make it a little easier on myself since I have a few tests coming up.  I’m going to do my assignment over the pumpkin muffins that I made the other day.  Perfect!!

Breakfast was in two parts since I had to get the pup to the vet to get her stitches out and to get started on her dips for mange.

Part 1 was a banana…


Then when I got home from the vet I had the rest of breakfast.

Yogurt with chia seeds, flax, and 2 T Udi’s granola…


oh and looots of coffee!



Then work work work!

Lunch break!!

Sammich with turkey breast, mashed up avocado and sprouts on oat bread…


I only ate half- it was good but I just wasn’t digging it today.

and a pretty organic pear.



Time to hop on the treadmill!

Can’t decide what’s for dinner yet.  I’m thinking maybe stir fry?

Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins

I’ve totally been AWOL lately and I’m going to make up for it with a deeeeeelicious muffin recipe!  These are so freaking good you’ll think you died and went to heaven!

You must try these ASAP!

I modified this recipe from a random recipe I found on the interwebs to make it healthier.  The modification turned out great!

Here ya go…and your welcome! (heehee)


Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

1 cup unbleached all purpose flour
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup canned pumpkin
2 large eggs
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup skim milk
1/3 cup applesauce
1tsp vanilla
1 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line a muffin pan with liners and set aside. 

Whisk together the flours, baking powder, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl.  Whisk the pumpkin, eggs, brown sugar, milk, applesauce and vanilla in a medium bowl and stir until just moistened.  Add in chocolate chips.

Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin cups.  Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, about 20-23 mins.

Try to let them cool off a bit before you chow down lest you burn your mouth.  Although they are hard to resist!!





Holy DRI batman!

teehee!  (that’s probably only funny to me I’m sure, but I’m okay with that)  More on that in a minute.

I don’t really have any fun food pics today, just lots of rambling!

So the Harley Monster got fixed the other day (her womanhood was stolen from her, poor baby!) but she has been licking and pulling at the stitches so she gets to wear an awesome plastic cone/collar thingie.  She does NOT like this!  She acts like a maniac when you put it on her.  First she’ll just stand there with her head down on the floor like an ostrich.  Then if you try to move her or anything while she is wearing it she jumps around like a bucking bronco.  And then she looks at you with the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen in my life and she acts like she’s so depressed that you just end up taking it off of her.  If it wasn’t so sad it would be hilarious!  So I’ve been home with her most of the day instead of running my usual Saturday errands, I was too afraid to leave her for very long with the collar on for fear she might get caught on something and choke.  I know I’m paranoid but better safe than sorry!

So instead of running into Fort Worth for a workout with my trainer and grocery shopping there I was stuck grocery shopping here at Wal-Mart.  I hate Wal-Mart!  But I did get to go to the local produce guy to pick up my veggies and I came home with some great stuff!  Beautiful sweet potatoes for $1.72/lb.  Some Okra for $.99/lb, and the best deal of ALL… honeycrisp apples for $1.49/lb!!!!  SCORE! 

Anyway, so on to the evil Wal-Mart… So I get my stuff and I’m waiting in line to check out and the lady in front of me is putting her stuff on the belt thing.  And I couldn’t help but notice what she is unloading from her cart.  Now I really try not to judge because not everyone really knows and understands (or even cares about) eating healthy.  But here’s some of the things she unloaded from her cart… 2 huge palate things of ramen noodles, 10 chubs of ground beef, sugary cereal, pop tarts, potato chips, microwave dinners, soda. Not a single vegetable or fruit.  Yikes!  And she spent well over $200!!  And she had 2 kids with her so I can only assume it was for a family.  I know it’s none of my business, but those poor kids!  I can only think of the vitamin deficiencies they are developing as we speak.  Can you say malnutrition?


I worked on my three day diet analysis for Intro to Nutrition when I got home and got the groceries unloaded.  The results were pretty surprising!  I’m deficient in a LOT of vitamins and minerals!  Yoinks!

Take a look…


And the things I get too much of…


Look at the Vitamin A!!!!  Holy Moly!!!!  I think it’s because I had a lot of peanut butter over that three day period- more than I normally have. 

I also don’t get enough calcium, grains, and vegetables.


And here I was thinking that I eat pretty healthy, LOL.  Looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do!

My energy balance…


The assignment was really interesting!  I had no idea about some of these things.  Nothing much going on this evening.  Justin is going over to a buddy’s house to play some video games and I have the house to myself.  Debating over just watching a musical instead of working on my chemistry homework like I should be.  My choices are Ana and the King or Flashdance.  What should I pick?!  Decisions decisions!

Till tomorrow!

Under my umbrella, ella, ella

I just got out of class and there’s a crazy monsoon-esque storm going on out there so I’m stuck in the building waiting it out.  Of course I never have my umbrella when I actually need it.  I’m not about to walk out in that mess! 

So I figure I can blog whilst I wait.  At least as long as my battery hangs on.  It’s almost dead.  What a day! lol

After food prep (which actually went quite smoothly today.  It’s usually crazyness with my lab partners leaving empty pots on burners that are ON.  Seriously I spend most of my time going behind them making sure they don’t blow up the food lab.)  I went to the library and did my corrections for my statistics test, then time for lunch.  I was running late this morning so I didn’t have time to pack, so I grabbed a salad from Cupboard.  And some tomato soup (theirs is to die for!) and a shot of wheat grass (which I really like, weird right?) and a glass of ginger peach iced tea.  GREAT lunch, but I wish this place wasn’t so pricey.






Then I worked on my lab report while I got a refill on my tea (which is funny because we did tea in our lab today!)

Then off to another class!  This was consumed in class.  Yum, it was all nuts and seeds and a little bit o chocolate mixed in.  And only 150 kcal!



Alright, I think the mini monsoon is over and I can head to my car without getting completely drenched!
