Archives for August 25, 2010

New stuff in the Sarah Snacks Shop!!

Hey guys and gals- I’m adding a few new things to my shop today!!

First is this little beauty…


It’s the Artisana Cacao Bliss raw chocolate coconut butter!   And OMG it’s SO good!!!

It only has 3 ingredients: cacao powder, coconut butter and agave nectar.  That’s it!  It’s rich, chocolatey, and coconuty all at the same time.  I can’t get enough!!

My favorite way to eat this deliciousness is to just put a big ole blob right on my oatmeal!  Mmmmm!

Buy it now!

Or look for it in my shop!



The next thing I’m adding to my shop are the Coco-Zen Vegan Truffles!!  They are for serious chocolate lovers- strong dark chocolate deliciousness!  My favorite flavors are mint, and dark chocolate!  The Coco-Zen Truffles are made from organic ingredients and they’re also fair trade

They come in the cutest little tins!  Which are totally re-usable BTW!  These make a great gift for a chocolate lover or even a wonderful treat for yourself!


Buy the mint truffles now!

Buy the dark chocolate truffles now!

Or check ‘em out in my shop!

Catchin’ up!

Sorry to have been MIA this past week or two- things have been so so busy since I started my new job!!  In case you didn’t already know I’m working in the bulk department at Central Market.  I really like it because I know almost everything about almost every product that we have in the dept(which is probably why I got the job- we had to do some product identification during the interview process and I got every single one of them right!), however the heavy lifting is definitely a draw back.  A lot of the stuff comes to us in 50 lb bags!  I think I’m getting used to it thought.  Right now I’m working almost every day, but next week I’ll get to slow down a bit because I’ll be back in school and I’ll only be working on the weekends.  Speaking of school…school starts back up next week!!!  I’m SO SO SO excited!  I can just feel that this is going to be a great semester and I’m really looking forward to being back in classes!  I’m still a bit worried about A&P because I’m not down with dissection so I don’t know what I’m going to do about that or if my teacher would work with me on that.  Who knows- I’ll just have to see.  I have a feeling I won’t be able to get out of it and I’ll spend the majority of my semester crying about the animals who were killed so we could slice them open 🙁


Anyhoo…  I’m about to post a few recipes and I’m going to be adding a few things to my shop this morning so check back in a bit!!

Have a good one!