Catchin’ up!

Sorry to have been MIA this past week or two- things have been so so busy since I started my new job!!  In case you didn’t already know I’m working in the bulk department at Central Market.  I really like it because I know almost everything about almost every product that we have in the dept(which is probably why I got the job- we had to do some product identification during the interview process and I got every single one of them right!), however the heavy lifting is definitely a draw back.  A lot of the stuff comes to us in 50 lb bags!  I think I’m getting used to it thought.  Right now I’m working almost every day, but next week I’ll get to slow down a bit because I’ll be back in school and I’ll only be working on the weekends.  Speaking of school…school starts back up next week!!!  I’m SO SO SO excited!  I can just feel that this is going to be a great semester and I’m really looking forward to being back in classes!  I’m still a bit worried about A&P because I’m not down with dissection so I don’t know what I’m going to do about that or if my teacher would work with me on that.  Who knows- I’ll just have to see.  I have a feeling I won’t be able to get out of it and I’ll spend the majority of my semester crying about the animals who were killed so we could slice them open 🙁


Anyhoo…  I’m about to post a few recipes and I’m going to be adding a few things to my shop this morning so check back in a bit!!

Have a good one!


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