Archives for September 16, 2011

Labor of Love 5K

On Labor Day I not only did I get to run a 5K and get a new 5K personal record with my time, but I also got to cheer Mandy on in her first ever 5K!

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Mandy, Jennifer and I before the race.  Thanks Laura for taking pictures for us!!

Mandy did AMAZING!!  I was so so proud of her, and I was so glad I got to be there to see her run her first 5k!  Go over to her blog and see the most epic finish picture ever!  And Jennifer is a total badass- she finished her 10K in just a little over an hour.  I’m totally inspired!


So please remind me not to do this race again.  The hills were insane.  I’m talking FOR REAL insane.  Like my legs were sore for 3 days after this race insane.

Even with the crazy hills, I managed to get a new race PR- 36 minutes!!!!  I’m SO excited!

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Things learned during this race…

  • Eat more before the race- I was hungry 5 minutes in and all I could think about was eating a bagel the whole entire race.
  • I need to work on my pacing more- it’s really hard for me to keep a steady pace.
  • I need to do more training with hills.  This should be remedied soon because the weather is now below 100 degrees so I can actually go run outside.


Oh, and p.s. I just started training for my first half marathon.  This first week of training has been a little rocky, but I’m going to tweak my schedule a little and I think I can make it work better with my schedule.

p.p.s  I’m starting a race tab up at the top of my blog!  In this new little section of the blog I’ll be recapping races and posting my schedule of upcoming races.  Check back occasionally and see what I’ve got going on!
