Archives for September 4, 2012

That time I used to blog…

Uhhhh…. yeah…

It’s been a while and I’m thoroughly ashamed of myself.

School is in full swing and between that and my spotty internet service (it’s such a long story, but run far far away from Verizon- terrible service and even worse customer service) there hasn’t been much time or motivation for blogging.  But I promise I’ll try to be better!

It’s only been a week since school started and it definitely feels all consuming.  I definitely feel like last semester was my “make or break” semester with A&P and Biochemistry but I studied hard, freaked out only a little and ended up with grades I could be very proud of (I think we talked about how I made a 100 on my Biochemistry final? Yeah I’m still feeling like a badass about that.  I think maybe I should take out an ad in the paper Winking smile ).

But this year.  This is the big one! This is the last semester where my grades count towards my internship application so they need to be great.  This year I learn all of the important stuff that I will be using throughout my career.  I definitely have something to prove, not only to myself but to the people that from the beginning said that I wouldn’t make it.  Unfortunately, there were a few.  No pressure?

I’m working to pay for school (hey thanks government for no financial aid this year- you’re swell!) and taking my hardest semester so far so any prayers for my sanity that you could send my way would be amazing! 

I’m still working on that whole balance thing- I tend to do one thing at a time and am not the greatest at multitasking but I think I’m doing an okay job so far this semester.  I’ve made time to work out a bit, though not as much as I need to.  I’ve also made time to drink a glass of wine here and there this week.  I adore shiraz right now just FYI. 

I’m also trying to plan ahead on my food and prep my veggies and whatnot on the weekends so that I can quickly put meals together throughout the week.  That’s definitely been helping a ton!

Quick sneak peek at some recipes that I made a little while back but will be posting very soon!

I’ve really been into cookies lately…






And quick casseroles…









And as soon as I actually find where I wrote these recipes down, I will share them.  Whoopssss!

