Archives for September 17, 2013

Back to school!

Welllll…. actually school started over 3 weeks ago.  I’ve been meaning to post.  Really I have!  We kind of hit the ground running when school started and I haven’t had much time to do anything since then really.  We had our first big exam today and it was a doozy! 

Gone are the days of multiple choice exams and we now have lots and lots of essay questions on our exams. 

Anyway, I think I have talked about it before but how my dietetic internship works is that we have 2 semesters of graduate course work then we start our actual rotations for our supervised internships in June, then we’re done with that in December and we can finish up our masters (probably a class or two and my thesis will be all I have left to do).  We also have a few projects and some professional and community nutrition hours that we earn along the way in these first two semesters of coursework so we’re busy busy busy!

This semester I’m taking 3 classes- Nutrition in Disease, Nutrition and Human Metabolism and Eating Behaviors and Eating Disorders.  I’m also working as a graduate assistant this year for two different classes- Nutrition Through the Life Cycle and Principles of Food Preparation.  Oh yeah, I’ve also started working on the study for my thesis!

So far it’s tough and I’m more busy than I’ve ever been but I love it!!!  I think that I picked the perfect internship for me and it was all just meant to be!


I’ll try to update as much as I can through this whole process and I still have some recipes that I’ve been meaning to post for like forever.   I’ll get around to it one of these days!  I am making a goal to blog once a week.  We’ll see how that turns out! 🙂


Till later!!
