
No pictures today, I’m just not in the mood.  I took Harley to the Vet today because she had this crazy rash all over her and she had been scratching herself raw.  Well, it turns out it wasn’t a rash at all, she has a non-contagious form of mange. smile_sad  Poor girl! 

And it’s going to cost us well over 1,000 smackers to get rid of it.  Before we can even start treatment she has to be spayed (mostly because it’s time- she’s 7 months and weighs 83 lbs, but if she happens to go into heat while getting treated for the mange it will make it worse and we would have to start the treatment all over again), THEN we have to wait for her to heal from that, THEN we have to start a series of 8 dips for the mange.  We have to take her once a week and she has to stay for the whole day.  Oh and also antibiotics for the skin infection that she has from scratching.

We don’t have the money, but it has to be done.  There will be lots of praying going on around here.

Anyway, school is tough right now.  I feel like I can’t keep up.  I guess I’m just having one of those days today and I hope that tomorrow will be better!!  Until then, I think I’m going to hit the hay early to get this day over with.


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