And the rain is gone

It didn’t last very long.  I hope it comes back tomorrow!

My afternoon was pretty uneventful.  The only thing I really got accomplished was to get my parking pass ordered for next year for school.  I also broke out my planner and added some things in.  And that’s about it!  Tomorrow is going to be much more productive, I’m going to yoga!

I decided on a quesadilla for lunch.  Oh it was sooo good!


I went back for seconds on the guac!  It was the pico de gallo style from wholly guacamole.  It was on sale at WF so I grabbed it.  It’s really good so I will def be getting it again!

On my quesadilla was black beans, some austrailian cheddar, onion, and bell pepper.

Along with the guac was a dollop of fage and my favorite salsa!

Then I had a handful of these a little later.  Cute lil guys!



Dinner tonight was a mismash of stuff.  Including the awesome peach salsa I picked up at WF!  These things don’t really seem like they would go together, but it all worked.  The brussel sprouts were an impulse buy, so I didn’t really have any plans for them.  I just threw them in cause I needed a veggie.  I grilled up the chicken and topped it with the peach salsa- it was perfect.  Served atop whole wheat couscous and roasted brussel sprouts on the side.




And dessert was strawberries and 1/2 banana.  Strawberries were on sale as well so  I grabbed a big thing of ‘em for $2.99!


And it’s past my bedtime now.  Nighty night!


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