Aw, shucks!

Got to shuck about 10 ears of corn today.  Genius me bought 10 ears of corn to take to my in-laws last weekend for grilling and then left them at home.  I don’t think my brain has quite caught up with the rest of me yet from finals.  So stressful! 

Anyway, now I have a whole lot of corn hanging out in my freezer just waiting to get grilled up this summer!




Thought I’d post a recipe while I was at it!  We had these enchiladas for dinner last night and they were SO good!  One tip though- spray the bottom of the pan or put some extra enchilada sauce in it because ours stuck to the bottom of the pan and didn’t come out easily.


Easy Vegan Enchiladas 

(Print this recipe!)

corn tortillas- 6-8 ( if you’re conservative with your filling you could probably get 12 out of it)
1 can of enchilada sauce (I always use a big can cause I’m afraid I might run out, LOL.  You can always freeze any leftover sauce)
1 can of vegetarian refried beans
1 small can of chopped green chilis
can of corn, drained
fresh spinach (I used a bag of baby spinach)
Vegan cheese (I used the Daiya Cheddar)

Heat refried beans in a sauce pan on the stove.  Add a little of the enchilada sauce to them to make them a little more manageable (not too much, you don’t want them to be soupy!).

Steam or sauté the spinach until wilted

Add the corn and chilis to the bean mixture (I also added some onion and bell pepper)

To make the enchiladas, spoon a little of the sauce onto a tortilla, then layer the bean mixture, spinach, and a little cheese onto the center of the tortilla.  Roll it up and place it into the baking dish.  Repeat with remaining tortillas and filling.

Cover with sauce and sprinkle with cheese

Bake covered for 20 mins at 375 F, then uncovered for an additional 10 mins.




(like my retro pan?  I heart it!  I have two of them- I can’t believe my mom parted with them, they’re too cool for school!  I think I lucked out- they’re surprisingly expensive in antique stores.  I also have some mini ones- love them too!)



  1. I make a similar bean enchilada – so quick and yummy! DBF doesn’t go for beans, so it’s a great lunch for me when he’s at work.

    My mom has those same pans! She still uses them, and I have some that are similar but a little different pattern. Those things last forever!!

  2. Hey Sarah,
    Read your recipe to see the difference from mine. I grill up veggies (whatever is on sale) and put cilantro in my beans. I mix vegetarian refried and black beans together just for fun…and I only had one can of refried! I have also used canned turnip greens or mustard greens. Easy and yummy!
    I don’t have any of those retro pans. I’m totally bummed!

    • You know, it’s funny- I don’t like chunks of veggies in my enchiladas. I have no idea why because I love vegetables! I’ve always been a fan of the plain ole cheese enchilada though, so that’s probably why. top secret fact… I have an irrational fear of canned greens. Once I ate some canned spinach and it was so gross that I threw up. 🙂

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