awesome new changes!

Brand spanking new Sarah Snacks coming soon!  I’m getting a fun blog makeover- it’s been a while in the making.  I’m very excited about it!  I’m hoping that over the course of the next year or so that my blog can transition into a place people can go to for answers, recipes, and general nutrition inspiration.  I’m really excited about working on becoming a Registered Dietician (one more month till school starts!) and I hope this site can become everything I hope!!

I’ll probably just be posting sporadically the next few days until I can pronounce the “grand opening”.

Nothing much going on round these parts- just working on transferring stuff over from my old laptop to the new one.  I’m waay too cheap to buy the transfer cable, so it may take a while! LOL

I’m so bored right now- I always thought it would be awesome to not have a job and to get to just hang around the house and stuff, but I’m going insane here!  It’s kindof bittersweet because on one hand I’m SO ready to get back to school that I wish the next month would just fly by, but on the OTHER hand I know I won’t be getting a summer off ever again once school starts.  And since I won’t ever be teaching again (thank God!) I won’t have summers off when I start my new job once I get done with school.  See my conundrum? 

I need a project besides going crazy.  I think once I get the new and improved blog going I will be busy with that for a while.  I just feel like I’ve gotten so LAZY over the last month or so!  I don’t want to do anything but lay around and read and watch TV.  It’s ridiculous!

Well, I’m about to head out to the gym to work out with my trainer.  Adios!


  1. I’m looking forward to your new blog. This sounds great. I love the idea.
    I am in the same boat as you… I’m going crazy wishing school would start. I guess we should really enjoy it because we will be dying for a break 🙂

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