Back from Colorado!

It was awesome and gorgeous!!  I’ll get some pictures up later today- my camera is in the car and I don’t really feel like going out and getting it right this second, haha.  I know, I’m so lazy but I’m on Christmas break, so I’m allowed, right?  🙂

So I went to Crested Butte with my bro and sis-in-law to hang out with my other brother and his girlfriend.  I left the hubby at home.  He unfortunately couldn’t get off of work, but I went anyway.  I wanted to hang out with my bros- now that we’re all grown up and whatnot we don’t get to see each other very often.  I missed my hubby and the pups like crazy, but I still had a great time!  I got to do some serious relaxing and saw some beautiful scenery. 

I had planned on blogging while I was there, but it turns out there’s not much access to the internets when you’re in the mountains!  I’m so used to having internet anytime I need it that I didn’t even think about it!  I barely even got any signal on my cell either- crazy.  I think I’ve been spoiled living so near the metroplex. 

Anyhoo- It’s 2010 and I don’t normally do new years resolutions, but since I’m turning *gulp* 30 this summer (aaahhhhh!!!) I keep thinking there are lots of things I want to do before then that I haven’t done yet.  Before I hit the big three-oh I would really like to get back to a healthy weight. I’ve kind of been floundering around this past year playing around with the same 10 lbs and I think that enough has become enough finally.  It’s time to actually get serious and get down to a healthy weight.  I keep thinking about how much better I felt when I was about 20 lbs lighter and I would like to get back to that again.  I just want to feel really good by the time I hit that milestone.  I also really want to get another tattoo, but I’ve got to convince the hubby first- he’s not really a fan.  I already know what I want and everything- just got to figure out a way to talk him into it. hmmmm…  I think that’s about it on the resolutions.  Just to be healthy and happy I suppose.  I think that’s doable!

Allright, I’m off to the grocery store to stock up for the rest of the week!

Trip pics coming later today!


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