Big ole grocery shop!

Have you ever run out of pretty much everything at the same time?  It plain ole sucks and it’s kind of expensive to replace so much at one time.  But you have to do it, so off to the grocery store I went!

First stop was costco.  I just had to renew my costco membership.  I almost didn’t renew it, just because it’s $50 and we could sure use that in other places right now.  BUT we really do get our money’s worth out of it with all of the huge amounts of produce I usually buy.  Costco has some really great prices on their produce and even has quite a few organic produce items.  Here’s some of the goodies I picked up this go round…

Well hello champagne mangoes, you sweet delicious little things, you!



I think blackberries are my favorite summertime fruit.  These store bought ones will have to do till the blackberries are ready to be picked at my grandmothers house!



Now this right here is worth the price of a membership to me.  These gigantic tubs of spring mix and spinach are 3 bucks!  You can’t really tell how big they are in the picture, but they’re gigantic!!




Shroomin!  😉



Six beautiful red bell peppers for 4 dolla!  Ya can’t beat that with a stick!



My very favorite veggie burgers in all of the world!!  I could eat these every day I think, haha!  At the grocery store you would pay more than $4 for a box of 4 of these.  I got TWELVE of them for $4.99!  Now that’s what I call a deal!!



Honeydew for $2.99!  Yumm!


I use black beans SO much- 8 cans for 5 bucks, what a steal!!


All in all I got some pretty good deals at Costco this week!  I won’t bore you with pictures of toothpaste, mustard, ketchup and whatnot, but we needed so many basics from the regular grocery store too.  Blech!  And of course I got scolded when I got home for spending so much money.  Oh well, totally worth it if I have my delicious veggies to munch.  My husband would be perfectly content eating ramen noodles and peanut butter sandwiches for the rest of his life.  Yeah, that would be cheaper but I’d like to live a long time and feel good and healthy so I think it’s worth spending the money to buy more nutritious food.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!


  1. I have been craving a veggie burger for a while now, so after I read your post, I decided to go to Costco. I didn’t realize they carry veggie burgers, and like you said, that is a really good price for them!!

    Well, as soon as I got into my store, this huge storm came in and knocked the power out in the store. I was stuck in there for like 45 minutes waiting for the storm to pass (because I did not want to be out driving in that!). Sadly, my store doesn’t carry the Gardenburgers which I love. They had either the Boca grillers, Morningstar Farms chipotle black bean, or Dr. Praeger’s California burger. After reading the nutritional information, I went with Dr. Praeger’s. The prices weren’t as good as your store either – the ones I got were $10 but the others were like $14! Honestly, it’s still a good price considering it usually costs me $6 for 4 at my local Kroger. I never realized Costco had such different stock at different stores. I do always get that organic spring mix though. You cannot beat that price!!

    • Oh my goodness- that’s crazy!! I can’t imagine! Sorry they didn’t have the veggie burgers- I guess they don’t all carry the same selection. I never thought of that. I love my gardenburgers- I would be oh so sad if they didn’t have them!

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