Birthday, part two

My wonderful husband took me out for a lovely birthday afternoon yesterday!  We had a blast!

We went to a vegan restaurant right here in Fort Worth.  Spiral Diner.  It’s the only vegan restaurant in the metroplex, so it’s a good thing that it’s AMAZING!!!!  I can’t tell you how refreshing it was to just open a menu at a restaurant and order whatever I wanted.  I didn’t have to ask if anything had any lard in it.  I didn’t have to say without the cheese.  And I didn’t have to have plain lettuce!  (Which actually happened to me at a restaurant once- a steakhouse.  I didn’t have a choice but to go there- it was mother’s day, so it wasn’t my decision.  Can you believe that they didn’t have a single salad dressing that didn’t have milk or cheese products in it?!)  This was just a nice relaxing lunch.  And the food was seriously amazing!

Hubby got the Cowboy Burger!  It looked really good!  He said it was fab!


Cowboy Burgers make husbands happy!


And I got the Taco Salad!  Holy salad batman!!  This was GOOD!  It had lettuce, corn, black beans, peas, carrots, their Mexican Quinoa, and avocado!  Topped with sour cream, with salsa and ranch on the side!  Heaven. on. earth!


I can’t wait to go back!


Then we wondered around the mall while we digested.  I went to origins and got some fun face stuff.

Then I got my nose pierced!  For reals! 

I’ve been wanting to do it for FOREVER, so I figured my 30th bday was a pretty good reason to stop being a wussy and do it!

It hurt, I’m not going to lie.  But it only hurt for a few seconds, then it stung for a bit and then I was good to go!  It’s a little sore today, but I just got a hole punched through my nose with a big-ass needle, so that’s to be expected right?

Anyhoo- it’s super duper CUTE!  And I’m SO glad I did it!




And on the way home my hubby bought me a new cookbook!  :)  I love that dude!

Here’s what I got…

booksI’m going to try a recipe tonight- can’t wait!!

I’m headed to the grocery store now- catch ya on the flip side!! 



  1. Brandy White says:

    That cook book was fun to read and now I really want to try out the spiral diner!

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