Do you miss back to school shopping?

You know what I mean.  The excitement of going and stocking up on all your school supplies.  Pens, pencils, markers, notebooks(remember trapper keepers?!)!  Maybe even a new outfit or two.  I always loved August when I was a kid because it meant back to school shopping time!

Once you get out of school you kind of miss that excitement (although I’m sure it’s not exciting for all the parents out there, cha-ching!). 

Well, even though I am technically a student and get to do a little back to school shopping (but my stuff is bigger ticket items unfortunately- printer ink, a new computer(just had to get a new one), textbooks) here’s a way to still feel that back to school excitement even if you won’t be sitting in the classroom!

My church has a program called “Love your neighbors back to school drive”.  This is where we take the school list for Fort Worth ISD and go and purchase everything that the kiddos need to get the school year started!  Then we take it up to the church and drop it off and they do the rest of the work for us.


Here’s my thought if you don’t go to church or maybe your church doesn’t do this.  Do it anyway!

Go to your local super target or walmart(or something equivalent to that) and get the school supply list for your local school- they usually have copies there at the store!  Then get everything on that list and take it to one of your local schools.  I guarantee you they won’t say “no thanks”.  Having been a teacher for 5 years I know that there are children at every school that are in need of those school supplies.  There are children who don’t get to have that experience of back to school shopping and have to show up empty handed on the first day of school.  No shiny new backpack for them. 


Here’s ours- I think our grand total was somewhere around $25.  Yours might be more or less, depending on the supplies that the school asks for and the brands that you buy.



Do it! You will feel amazing when you drop that backpack off I promise- and not just because you got to go shopping!


Fitness Friday: bum toe addition

So last week’s Fitness Friday didn’t really work out too well.  I think I was a bit too ambitious with my workouts.

On Friday I went to work and I could barely get my foot into my shoe.  It was a miserable evening at work.  I came home, iced my foot and got up and tried to go in on Saturday.  I couldn’t get my foot into the shoes I had worn the day before so I put on the only shoes I could get on- they were a pair of canvas slip-ons.  Bad bad bad idea.  I had no longer been there an hour and some lady runs over my foot (the one with the broken toe of course) with a shopping cart.  (seriously the people that shop there are incredibly rude- this is not the first time I’ve gotten hit with a shopping cart).  I didn’t finish the day out- I went home in tears and told them I wouldn’t be back the next day either.  The next day my whole foot was swollen.  It was horrible!

Suffice it to say I didn’t work out this week.  This broken toe hurts so much worse than the last time I broke it.  The bruising is pretty much gone (thanks Kenisio tape!!!) but it still hurts incredibly badly! 

So this week here’s my plan:

  • Continue to see (on a day-by-day basis) if it feels comfortable enough to walk on with a shoe on.  If it does, go for a walk.  Even if it’s a short one!
  • If I cant wear a shoe I can’t go to the gym.  So this week I’m planning to do some weights at home (I have 5 and 10 lb weights).

That’s all I got!

I am so ready for this stupid toe to heal.  I WANNA RUN!!!


Anyone got anything fun planned for workouts this week??


I love being weird!

I had a conversation with myself in my head yesterday during lecture and it went something like this…

"Sometimes I wish I was a plant so I could photosynthesize".

"Yeah, but then someone might eat me.  I don’t think I’d like that".

"yeah but plants don’t have a brain or a central nervous system so they don’t feel pain the way we do.  So I don’t think I’d really care if someone ate me".


Yes, that’s totally weird, and I realize that.

But listen… weird people kinda rock!  We’re unique.  We’re definitely interesting- you never know what we might do!  We definitely make the world a better place- who wants to be normal anyway?!  So let’s celebrate our idiosyncrasies!


Some weird things about me:

  • I have conversations with myself in my head all the time- especially when I’m bored (see above example).  Sometimes these convos make me laugh out loud though, and I look just a liiiiittle bit crazy!
  • I’m deathly afraid of fish, birds, and giant POODLES! 
  • I think all things POOP related are hilarious!  (c’mon you can’t say the word poop and not smile!)  I blame it on having two brothers.  For example- I got my brothers doodie of the month calendars, every month has a different pile o’ dog poo in the midst of beautiful scenery!  Another Christmas my bro got me a kids book called “Where’s the poop”?  It’s so awesome!  We also exchange fart related bday cards every year.  SO FUNNY!
  • I LOVE things that are gross!  Example… I loved when we talked about tape worms in Microbiology last semester because of all the grody pictures!  There were pics of worms coming out of peoples ears and noses.  It was AWESOME!
  • I really enjoy having dance parties when I’m at home alone.  Especially to 90’s music!  Think Salt N’ Pepa, MC Hammer, Will Smith, etc.  I put on my keds and my scrunchie and say hello to the running man!
  • I love tofu more than a normal person should.  Like I would eat it every day if I could.  I love it plain! I know- weird!
  • I love to sing show tunes at the top of my lungs and pretend like I’m a Broadway supa star even though in reality I can’t sing a lick!  But in my head I’m a total rock star!
  • I don’t share drinks or food well.  You know that episode of Friends where Joey’s like “JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD!”.  That’s totally me.
  • I think science jokes are HILARIOUS!  My Bio lab partners this semester seem to disagree.  C’mon… “I think I lost an electron”.  “Are you positive?!”  That’s funny!!!

Okay, I think that’s enough for now- I’m going to give myself a complex if I keep going!  (Oh, there are many many more, LOL!)


Okay, your turn!!  Tell me something weird about you!!


What I Ate Wednesday

I’ve been noticing a lot of people doing What I Ate Wednesday lately.  I’ve really enjoyed looking at what everyone’s been eating so I thought I’d join the party this week!

When I first started my blog I posted all my meals almost every day!  I can’t believe I did that- it was such a pain and it was so tedious!  So I went a different route, but I LOVE the idea of WIAW(What I Ate Wednesday)!  Mostly so I can see what others are eating and get inspired!



So welcome to WIAW on Sarah Snacks!



Oatmeal topped with walnuts, cranberries, raisins, and a sprinkle of brown sugar.  Cherries!  And coffee of course!




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Beware the cell phone pics!  Haha!!

Lunch is always eaten on the way to school these days.  Class goes from 11:50-4:00 with no breaks, so I have to eat before or not at all!  Today’s lunch was two hummus wraps (california lavash wrap, hummus, frank’s red hot- roll and sear in pan till both sides are crisp!) and my fav green smoothie (spinach, almond milk, banana, flax seed, ice)


After class snack! 

I have to have crunchy munchy things on my way home- it’s a great stress reliever when you’re sitting in traffic.  Just crunch a carrot instead of flipping someone off!  Winking smile

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I rubbed some tofu slices in a hickory spice rub and grilled them!  They were amaaaazing!  Crisp on the outside, chewy on the inside.  Perfecto!  Served with some grilled zucchini, steamed broccoli, and some quinoa cooked in veggie broth!



Study snack!

Newman’s own alphabet letters and homemade almond milk!  And I only spell nice words with these alphabet letters.  Okay that’s a lie.  Sorry Mr. Newman.



Well, there’s my first WIAW!  What are you munching on today??


The Great Vegan Queso Standoff

Sorry for my lack of a Meatless Monday post yesterday.  Sad smile 

I’m having a hard time figuring out how to balance this class I’m taking with other stuff right now.  We have two tests a week, 2 quizzes every day, and 2 chapters to read every night. And right now I’m still working three days a week so that’s not really leaving me much extra time. (p.s. this weekend is my last weekend of work!!!)

Anyway, I thought this would be a fun post so here we go!

Before I stopped eating dairy I looooved cheese with a capital L O V E.  My cholesterol levels did not however (hello total cholesterol of 260- yikes!).  Anyway, just because I’m not eating dairy any more doesn’t mean I can’t have something cheesy and delicious tasting!

Enter vegan queso!  I introduce to you, my friends, the great vegan queso standoff of 2011!


In one corner we have Food For Lovers Vegan Queso!


I’ve had this one before.  Actually I buy it all the time.  And when I say all the time I mean that I always have a jar on hand in case I run out of the open jar I have in the fridge.  Embarrassed smile



It clocks in at 20 calories and zero fat per 2 Tablespoon serving.



And in the other corner we have Nacho Mom’s Ultimate Vegan Queso.


I’ve seen this one before but I’ve never had it.  I was super excited to try it!!


This one clocks in at 10 calories and zero fat for 1 oz.  When I weighed it 1 oz came out to about 2 Tablespoons.  So technically this one’s lower in calories, but really I don’t think that 10 calories is a deal breaker for the other one, LOL!


The vessel that would carry the sweet sweet cheesiness to my tastebuds…








Categories are spiciness, scoopability, and overall chessy awesomeness.


Food For Lovers- this will burn a hole in your tongue it is so spicy.  I’m not kidding.  I love spicy food so much that if I’m not crying and my nose isn’t running then it isn’t spicy enough for me.  And this is almost too spicy for me.  I don’t mind the crying and the nose running though, but maybe you do.  So if you don’t like really spicy stuff this might not be for you!

Nacho Mom’s- this is very mild.  Not too spicy, but not at all bland.  Perfect for people that like a little spice without overdoing it!



Food for lovers- this is perfectly scoopable right out of the jar!  It has a nice consistency and when it heats up it gets a teeny bit thicker.  Which is fine because it does seem a bit thin when you’re spooning it out of the jar.

Nacho Mom’s-  this one is hard to scoop out of the jar.  You have to stir it a lot before you can spoon it out.  But once you do, it stays the perfect scoopable consistency for ultimate chip dippage.


Cheesy Awesomness…

I have to admit that it’s really hard for me to tell how cheesy the Food For Lovers is because my taste buds have been burned off from the extreme heat of it, haha!  So I’m just going to give this one to Nacho Mom’s!  It’s seriously awesomely cheesy!!!  As in tastes almost exactly like regular queso!



Well, there wasn’t really a clear winner/loser here.  I believe that they both have a place in my fridge.  I do, however, think that I would eat the Nacho Mom’s on a more frequent basis than the Food For Lovers because it’s not nearly as spicy!

Where to find them…

I found both of these at Whole Foods!  I’ve also seen them at a few of my local health food stores.  Or you can find them online through several online realtors.  Visit the Food For Lovers or the Nacho Mama’s website for the deets!


Hope you enjoyed this- hopefully I’ll have more of these in the future, it was fun!


Peace out peeps, I’ve got a test tomorrow I’ve got to go study for!
