Do you miss back to school shopping?

You know what I mean.  The excitement of going and stocking up on all your school supplies.  Pens, pencils, markers, notebooks(remember trapper keepers?!)!  Maybe even a new outfit or two.  I always loved August when I was a kid because it meant back to school shopping time!

Once you get out of school you kind of miss that excitement (although I’m sure it’s not exciting for all the parents out there, cha-ching!). 

Well, even though I am technically a student and get to do a little back to school shopping (but my stuff is bigger ticket items unfortunately- printer ink, a new computer(just had to get a new one), textbooks) here’s a way to still feel that back to school excitement even if you won’t be sitting in the classroom!

My church has a program called “Love your neighbors back to school drive”.  This is where we take the school list for Fort Worth ISD and go and purchase everything that the kiddos need to get the school year started!  Then we take it up to the church and drop it off and they do the rest of the work for us.


Here’s my thought if you don’t go to church or maybe your church doesn’t do this.  Do it anyway!

Go to your local super target or walmart(or something equivalent to that) and get the school supply list for your local school- they usually have copies there at the store!  Then get everything on that list and take it to one of your local schools.  I guarantee you they won’t say “no thanks”.  Having been a teacher for 5 years I know that there are children at every school that are in need of those school supplies.  There are children who don’t get to have that experience of back to school shopping and have to show up empty handed on the first day of school.  No shiny new backpack for them. 


Here’s ours- I think our grand total was somewhere around $25.  Yours might be more or less, depending on the supplies that the school asks for and the brands that you buy.



Do it! You will feel amazing when you drop that backpack off I promise- and not just because you got to go shopping!
