changes coming soon!

I might not be able to post a lot over the next few days- I’m changing website hosts, so it could take 3-5 days for the transfer to happen. This blog may or may not be available during that time period. I’ll keep posting if I can, so who knows what will happen! LOL. BUT it will be worth it in the end because I will be able to make the blog better and I’ve also already got a sponsor or two lined up. YAY!

I accidentally deleted my breakfast picture from my camera, but I had a small bowl of PB Puffins and a cup of joe. I wanted something small because I’m probably going to have an early lunch today.

Not much new going on here other than trying to get something done about the stupid person that smushed my pretty little car. Also, there are only 20 days of school left!!!

Oh, and the high school in the town that I teach in is shut down for the swine flu- can you believe it?! We’re not closed down (although I think we probably should be because so many of our kids have big brothers and sisters at the high school and have possibly been exposed to it). But they won’t close us down because of the TAKS. The school definitely cares more about the TAKS than the kids health, and that’s not a joke. Anyhoo, we’ll see what happens with that.

See you at lunch!!

Oh and Clarissa… If I don’t hear from you by tonight, then I’m going to have to pick a new winner for the gift card.

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