Happy Friday (and my school was on fire today)

No joke, my school actually was on fire today!  I wasn’t there, I go between two schools and I was at the other today.  I don’t have a lot of details, but apparently a couple of the kindergarten classes were on fire?  Yikes!  I’ll update when I figure out what was going on, but my classroom was okay.  No instruments on fire.


I’m all out of oats, which was what I wanted this morning for breakfast (of course!), so I settled for some Kashi Go Lean Crunch  instead.  With a splash of Almond Milk and half a banana.


Then it was off to work I went.  Hey, guess what?  After the holiday this weekend, there are only 3 and 1/2 days left!

I had no 5th graders today, they went to the high school for field day, so  I got to come home for lunch.  I made a really tasty sammich with some kashi crackers and even had some dessert!


On my sammy…

  • whole wheat bread
  • mustard
  • pepperjack
  • honey ham
  • lettuce

It was really good, the pepperjack was super spicy!

And then dessert!   I had some graham sticks dipped in Nutella (I got the single serving at World Market.  That’s the only way I can have that kind of stuff in the house- otherwise I would just stick my face in the jar.  I think it has a little over a Tablespoon in it)


Oh so goooooood!

I’ve got a few hrs till the hubby gets home, so I better decide what’s for dinner and get the kitchen cleaned up a bit (the dishes are piled up to the ceiling!).  I hate doing dishes.  Anyone else hate dishes as much as I do?

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