holy hiatus

Well, apparently I took a hiatus from blogging and didn’t realize I was doing it.  Last week was very stressful!  Little sleep was had and I didn’t even realize I had been neglecting my poor blog.smile_sad

I hope that now that I’m a little more used to my schedule I can keep up with it a little better.

This morning I was up bright and early and craving some yogurt.

So yogurt it was!


  • 1/2 cup Fage
  • 2 tsp each of flax and chia seeds
  • 2 T granola
  • 1/2 C strawberries
  • spoon

Then off to school I go.  Statistics and Chemistry(which was cancelled). 

Then home for some homework and lunch.

Lunch was some Amy’s Chili with tortilla chips to dip and sharp cheddar.



It was really good while I was eating it, but now it’s making my stomach feel funny.  Blech!


And just so you can see how big the Harley Monster has gotten….

IMG_1410 IMG_1417

What a big girl! 

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