How’s your new years resolution?

Anyone still going with theirs or did you give up already? ;)  Just kidding!  Things are going well here.  I still can’t believe I actually made a new years resolution- I’ve never done that before.  But it’s going pretty good- sticking to my calorie count, working out, eating lots of good stuff and not a lot of bad! 

I’m now thinking I’m glad that I made a resolution.  I want to be the happiest and healthiest that I can be.  Justin and I went to a funeral yesterday, and that always makes you think about life.  Justin’s best friends sister died.  I didn’t know her but Justin did.  All through the funeral I kept trying to remember if I had ever met her, but I never could recall if I had.  But as the funeral went on I wished that I did know her.  We got there just as the funeral was starting and we could barely squeeze through the door it was so packed.  The church was completely full and there was a line clear out the door.  We ended up standing along the wall up by the alter of the church.  As the service went on I couldn’t help but look out at all the people that were there.  She seemed like she was a person that was very loved by everyone.  You could just tell by looking out at all of the peoples faces that were grieving.  Yet with the grieving there was a sense of joy there as well- the joy that even though she left kids, a fiancé, lots of friends and family behind they were all happy that she is now in heaven.  It was very touching and sad at the same time.  My heart and my prayers are with the family right now as they are dealing with all of this and all of the legal things that are going along with the accident.  I pray that have comfort in this hard time and that the kids are taken care of through all of this. 

Death is a strange thing.  It does and doesn’t make sense at the same time.  As much as you know that a loved one is in a better place it still hurts so much to lose them.  Does it sometimes seem selfish that we get so upset when someone dies?  Especially if they are suffering?  Or even if they didn’t and it was a sudden and pretty instant death like Tina’s?  You know that since they are in heaven that there is no longer any pain, but yet you still want them here with you.  Maybe not- just a random thought. 

Anyway… it’s never too late to make a resolution to be your happiest and your healthiest!  It doesn’t have to just be on new years and it doesn’t have to be as the result of a tragedy.  Any day is a good time to get your life back on track.  Whatever that may be for you…quitting smoking or drinking or drugs, getting back in church, eating healthier, etc… now is the perfect time!  What are you waiting for?!







Ephesians 5:1-2“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

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