I’m still alive over here!

I’m waiting for all of my changes to be done before the real grand re-opening, but I haven’t posted in forever and I’m really missing it!!

Not too much going on over here.  Just getting ready to go on our CRUISE next week!!  Woot woot!!  A week and a half and we’re going to be cruisin’ to Cozumel!  This is going to sound funny but one of my favorite parts about taking trips is making lists to get ready to go (I know, weird right?)  I am a list maker from way back- I love lists!  Anyway, we’re just getting ready for the trip and I’m about to start my list making (which drives Justin crazy, but he knew I was a list maker when he married me so I don’t really feel too sorry for him, lol!)

I have so many recipes to add- I’m really excited about that.  That’ll take a little while though.

I just got back from the eye dr.  I think I pretty much emptied the contents of my bank account while I was there.  It’s so expensive.  My health insurance covers a little bit of it since I have an eye disease and my visits to the eye dr are “medically necessary” and I have to visit way more than the average person.  Sometimes I think I get to see my eye dr more than my husband I’m there so often, lol.  They don’t cover a whole lot though, so the cost still stings quite a bit.  I’m planning on adding a page to my site concerning my eye disease soon.  I don’t talk about it alot, but it’s something that I have and there’s no cure, it’s also not very well known and not super common so the more people that are aware of it the better.  There are alot of people that have it that have no clue that they have it.  Anyway, that will be coming soon.  I have some more research to do before I get to that point though.

Right now I’m watching “An American in Paris”.  Ever since I can remember I’ve had the biggest crush on Gene Kelly.  Is that creepy since he’s dead?  I don’t know, but he was so so talented and quite cute as well!

Back to the movie!!

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