insert title here…

I am too tired to think of a title today!  LOL

I’ve been much too tired to post much of anything lately.  Gosh I’m ready for the weekend.  And it’s not that my classes are really hard or anything.  It’s getting used to being back on that kind of a schedule again after years of being away from school.  And also the DRIVE.  It’s killing me!  I wish there was somewhere closer, but the only other Nutrition program in North TX is TCU (which is extremely close), but it is waaaay too expensive and I could never afford it.  But at least I’m getting the chance to do this, and for that I feel truly blessed!


Today was food prep lab.  I’ve been waiting for this all week!  It’s going to be awesome!  We had a blast, and today’s lab was about the microwave.  We put all kinds of marshmallows in the microwave and melted them!  We did mini marshmallows and giant ones.  We melted them touching each other, in a circle without touching, and randomly placed on the plate.  The mini marshmallows melted like no ones business and the giant ones just puffed up really big- I thought they were going to explode!

Then we did the same kind of thing with egg whites.  We filled 7 ramekins each with 1 T of egg white, then we put them in a circle in the micro with one in the middle.  Then nuked for 30 secs.  The ones on the outside started cooking and turned white, but the one in the center stayed clear and didn’t cook a bit!  Interesting, huh?!

I’m going to try to post some sort of picture from lab next week, we look hilarious.  We have to wear lab coats and hair nets!!  Heehee!  Next week is fruits and veggies, can’t wait for that.  I am not, however, looking forward to the lab reports.  They kindof spoil the fun of the lab, don’t you think? LOL

Anyway, on the way to school I had a Kashi bar and an apple.  I seriously need a plan B for the mornings I have to run straight out the door and don’t have time to make breakfast.  I was STARVING by the time I got to school.  This didn’t fill me up at.all.  I have to leave the house at 6 am and I’m not really willing to get up at 3 or 4 just to make breakfast.  Any suggestions??  Quick but filling is what I’m looking for…

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Oh and a coffee from Starbucks on the way to school escaped the eye of the camera.  Pumpkin spice latte!!!!!!  Enough said.

Then it was traffic traffic traffic, then class.  Then traffic traffic traffic, then home.

Then I went and got my hair did!!  I got my hairs cut AND colored!  It has been soooo long since I’ve been in to get my hair done.  There was a bit of a miscommunication with my hair lady.  She went on maternity leave and I didn’t hear back from her so I assumed she decided not to come back and to stay home with her boys.  But really she didn’t have my address to send me her announcement that she was back.  So for like 5 months I’ve been walking around with ugly hair not realizing that she was back.  Oh highlights, how I’ve missed you!!!  (I got new glasses a few weeks ago and I forgot to post about them.  you can’t really tell but they’re purple and they’re Fendi and I love em!)


After that I had some luuunch.  Turkey sandwich on our Hatch Chile sourdough bread with a teensy bit of mayo, sharp cheddar and spinach.  (I only ate half, the bread is starting to get a bit stale)  With some corn chips and salsa!

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Then I went to the office to catch up on some reading since I missed statistics yesterday because I couldn’t find a friggin parking spot (seriously).  Snacks were consumed.  They said “no pictures please”.  Grapes and Annie’s bunny grahams.

Then I tried a new recipe for dinner.  Thai Basil Chicken.  Now I’ve never had this for real, but it was pretty tasty!  My only problem is I’m already hungry and it’s only been about an hour and a half since dinner!  Ah well, maybe It’s just one of those bottomless pit kinda days?  KWIM?

The recipe is from the newest issue of Weight Watchers Magazine in case anyone wants to try it!

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I need another snack, I’m thinking PB with an apple?

Catch ya on the flip side!!

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