
After my bike ride (it was a quick one) I was ready for some lunch. I knew I wanted to use up the other half of the avocado that I started on yesterday, so I took out some corn tortillas and melted a little cheese on them. Then I topped them with a little salsa, slices of avocado and a little cabbage for some crunch. They were really good!!


I also had some sweet potato chips


aaaand 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. I’m working out again tonight, so I figured I could use a little extra protein since I didn’t really have any at lunch.


This afternoon’s agenda is taking the dog to the vet, going to starbucks to download some yoga stuff from yoga downloads (cause my internet is total crap and won’t let me download ANYthing), and then a workout with my trainer.

Later skater!


  1. Love the avocado with lunch! Looks deicious! Hope you got your yoga downloaded- internet issues are the worst!

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