New stuff in my shop!

The Vita-Mix…the mac daddy of all blenders!  Everyone should own one of these babies!  It’s so much more than just a blender- I’m predicting world domination soon.  😉


Get it here!


Nutritional yeast- full of b-vitamins and tastes wonderfully nutty and cheesy!  I sprinkle it on my popcorn, stir it into my mac and cheese as well as into my grits and polenta.  Nom nom nom!!

nutritional yeaast

Get it here!


Love my pyrex!  Enough said- everyone knows what pyrex is!


Get it here!


Juicer!  You NEED a juicer- and this is one of the top of the line brands!  Makes a glass of juice in 5 seconds flat.  The fresh stuff tastes SO much better than the stuff you buy from the store, and it’s BETTER for you too!!!


Get it here!


Cast Iron Skillet!  EVERYONE should have one of these bad boys in their kitchen!  They make THE. BEST. grilled cheeses!  Enough said.  Buy one now.


Get it here!


Okie doke!  That’s it for now- I’ll be adding lots more stuff soon- stay tuned!

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