Oh no she didn’t…

Oh yes I did- oatmeal to go!!  I knew I wanted oats this morning, but I refuse to wake up any earlier than 4:30.  I love my leisurely breakfasts, BUT I also love to sleep!  So I put my oats in an almost empty PB jar and they became oats to go!

Brilliant!  Eaten in the car on the way to school.




And of course coffee!  The nectar of the gods.



I got here way early this morning, so I’m chilling in the lab waiting for food prep lab to get started.  I guess I better get my labcoat and my hairnet ready to go!



  1. I know this is an old post, but oh goodness I just love oatmeal and the fact that you put it in the bees knee jar just makes it all better!

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