planning ahead

I need to work on my planning ahead.  Seriously.  When you don’t plan ahead and you aren’t prepared you end up with a candy bar in your stomach without really remembering how it got there.  Grrrrr.  Oh well, I counted my calories for it and I am trying to move on. I’m just over my calorie allotment for today by only by 44 cals.

Today was a weird day.  I didn’t feel good.  My boss was, yet again, a big jerkface (2 more months and I’m outa there!!!).  I didn’t even work out.  My trainer cancelled on me, and since I didn’t really feel well I just went home and didn’t do much.  Except snuggle our new puppy and watch her play with Anabelle.  I did get on the wii fit for a while, so I guess I still burned some calories.  I’m not sure what my deal is, but I’ve been feeling crappy since this weekend.  Blech.

Lunch today was a light Caesar salad kit.  It was all that I really felt like eating.  It was pretty tasty though.  Oh, and a big ole glass of agua in my cool I run like a girl water bottle.  It’s true.


My afternoon snack

Well, besides the candy bar(not pictured) I was really hungry when I got home from school.  So I had a sandwich with:

Two slices of spelt bread
3 pieces of honey ham
1/2 oz of Tillamook sharp cheddar (LOVE!)
a little mustard
on a pretty yellow plate


Dinner was something new that I tried and it turned out great!  Bubble up pizza casserole, and I found this one on the weight watchers message boards as well.  I love those boards!  Click on recipes to the right to get it!!  I also threw in a salad with 2 tablespoons of  light Italian dressing.


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