
What a day!  I typed out half of this post earlier today about how nothing was going on and life was boring, etc…  But then crazy-ness ensued!  lol, well not really, but for as little as I have going on right now it was my version of crazyness.  So it turns out that my financial aid was approved after all for school next year!  Woohoo!  I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to get anything at all and some money came through after all!!!!  What a total relief to have school taken care of.  Now I won’t have to worry continuously about money next year and I can focus on school.  Now we won’t have to be stressed and Justin won’t have to get a second job (he’s been talking about it, but I won’t let him.  His job is hard enough and he works such long hours as it is) and I won’t have to try to work and  go to school full time at the same time.  I can just focus on studying and getting kickass grades so that I can get into the internship of my choice and the master’s program that I want.   Whew! 

I’m soooo excited for school to get started that I feel giddy!


I had a fun little field trip yesterday- Sam Moon!!  I had never been, but there’s been one in Fort Worth for like 2 yrs.  It’s just purses/costume jewelry/kitschy type stuff, but I don’t really like to spend a ton on jewelry and the likes so it’s right up my alley.

Look at what I got!


A thingie to hang my purses on.  They’re all shoved in a corner in the back of my closet and I honestly don’t even know how many or what I have!


Can you even believe I got this little lunchbox for $10.95?!  These are almost $30 on the BUILT website!  When I got home I was looking at it I realized that it was priced wrong, which is why it was only 10 bucks.  The price tag said that it was a camera case.  Oh well!


Clippies!  I lose these things so fast it’s not even funny.  It’s like they just disappear!


Fun earrings!  And also that little pair of studs in the background- I needed some for every day wear.


Another clippie!  This one has a little decoration on it- fancy!


Fancy elastic hair band thing.  I forsee lots of poytails seeing that some days I will be getting up around 4 am to make it to a 8am class (stupid commutes in stupid rush hour traffic!)

That’s all, I found a couple of purses that I really wanted and they were extremely reasonably priced, BUT I decided that first I should take inventory of what I already have and see if I actually need another purse or not.  I can always go back and get one, but their return policy isn’t that great- store credit only. 


Today’s breakfast was fun!  I’ve had this almost empty jar of Barney Butter for months but I didn’t want to throw it away because it seemed so wasteful (that stuff is like 10 bucks a jar!).  I saw on a blog somewhere that someone had put their oats into the almost empty jar and the PB melted right in.  Oh WOW was this a great idea!!  AND I didn’t have to waste any Barney Butter!



In my oats…

  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/4 cup oat bran
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/2 cup agua   

cuppa joe!



It was so filling, I couldn’t even finish it all!

Then I worked on paying bills.   Blech!  And my internet was so awesomely slow that it took like two hours to get it all done/checkbook balanced!  Sheesh.  After that I needed a nice long bath.   After that I was feeling kinda lazy so I lounged around for a bit and watched some I Love Lucy re-runs.

Then it was lunch time!  My version of a “cheeseburger” salad:


  • organic spring mix
  • radish
  • tomato
  • honey mustard
  • Amy’s Texas Burger, chopped up on top
  • sprinkle of sharp cheddar


Then the news about the financial aid came through so I had TONS of paperwork that I had to do.  It took forever and I’ve pretty much just now finished.

So much for the day that I had planned.  I was going to clean up and organize around the house today, but it didn’t really work out.  Ah well.  Now I don’t feel like cleaning.  My tummy is weird so I’m going to have some peppermint tea and see if that helps.  We shall see.




back to school…

My week and a half of awesome-ness is over and I had to go back to work today.  If anyone doesn’t know, we had around 11 confirmed cases of swine flu at my school so they shut us down!  And we don’t have to make up the days.

I really really didn’t want to go back, but guess what?  There are only 13 days left of school!!!

When I woke up this morning I was craving oatmeal, so I had some.


In my bowl this morning…

  • 1/3 cup oats
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1 T barney butter
  • 1 T dried cranberries/pomegranates

Oh yeah, and a cup of spring blend coffee!

Then it was off to work.  Today passed without incident.  It’s musical time (every spring I show the kids a musical.  I usually save it for the last few weeks of school.)  They are watching Annie and they really seem to be enjoying it- no behavior problems at all.

I was starving by lunch so I had a yummy salad.


on my salad…

  • lettuce/spinach
  • light greek vinaigrette (my FAV!)
  • 3/4 ounce blue cheese (I picked up an awesome Danish Blue for less that $3 at Whole Foods the other day!)
  • 2 chicken strips leftover from yesterday’s lunch (recipe coming soon!)

So good!

I just got home and I was hungry (when am I not?!) so I grabbed a Chobani and had a snack.


And now it’s time for the gym!  I’m headed out to cardio kickboxing- adios!!