Terrific Tempeh Tacos

Had a great girls night last night!!  Went to Granbury with some friends, had some dinner, had some drinks, did some hanging out.  Good times!

This afternoon was Concert On the Lawn.  Except that it was raining, so it was concert at the convention center.  Paluxy winds sounded awesome- much better than we did at rehearsal on Tuesday!  But ya know what they say… bad dress rehearsal= great performance at the concert!

Tonight’s dinner was some super tasty Tempeh Tacos- they turned out SO good!!

So if you don’t know what Tempeh is, it’s basically just whole soybeans that are pressed together into kind of a cake form.  It’s soft and you can do lots with it.  Marinate it, grill it, sautee it, use it as a substitute for meat- anything really!

I decided to make mine into tacos tonight!  So here’s the tempeh that I used.  The kind I bought already had spices in it, so I didn’t need to add anything, but if you get the plain kind you will need to add some seasonings- it’s a bit bland in my opinion.

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So I steamed the tempeh- you don’t have to steam it,  but I like the way it turns out better when I steam it first.  Not sure why though.

Then I sliced it into strips and sauteed it in a pan with a tiny bit of canola oil

Then it was ready for tacos!

The taco fixins’:


Whole wheat tortillas, lettuce, tomato, onion, cilantro, cheese, dollop of Greek yogurt, and some unpictured salsa and cubed avocado.

YUM!  So good- the tempeh has a great spicy meaty flavor.  It’s delicious!

Here’s ma’ tacos…

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Plans for the rest of the evening include watching Sherlock Holmes on Blu-Ray with the husband!


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