Under my umbrella, ella, ella

I just got out of class and there’s a crazy monsoon-esque storm going on out there so I’m stuck in the building waiting it out.  Of course I never have my umbrella when I actually need it.  I’m not about to walk out in that mess! 

So I figure I can blog whilst I wait.  At least as long as my battery hangs on.  It’s almost dead.  What a day! lol

After food prep (which actually went quite smoothly today.  It’s usually crazyness with my lab partners leaving empty pots on burners that are ON.  Seriously I spend most of my time going behind them making sure they don’t blow up the food lab.)  I went to the library and did my corrections for my statistics test, then time for lunch.  I was running late this morning so I didn’t have time to pack, so I grabbed a salad from Cupboard.  And some tomato soup (theirs is to die for!) and a shot of wheat grass (which I really like, weird right?) and a glass of ginger peach iced tea.  GREAT lunch, but I wish this place wasn’t so pricey.






Then I worked on my lab report while I got a refill on my tea (which is funny because we did tea in our lab today!)

Then off to another class!  This was consumed in class.  Yum, it was all nuts and seeds and a little bit o chocolate mixed in.  And only 150 kcal!



Alright, I think the mini monsoon is over and I can head to my car without getting completely drenched!



  1. Running around on campus in the rain is never fun. A couple weeks ago, right before the school actually had to close for flooding, I decided to just wear a hoodie and skip the umbrella. Not sure why, but I am generally opposed to umbrellas. Well, it was raining so hard that all the stuff in my backpack got soaked! What a bummer… I’ll definitely be carrying my umbrella from now on.

    Food prep sounds like my kind of class! Though I do hate dealing with lab partners. I’m in two labs this semester – biology and chemistry. I lucked out with a really good Chemistry partner who knows what she’s doing (it doesn’t come easily for me!). But in Bio… I somehow got coupled with the rude lazy girl who thinks she knows everything. Woot. LOL

    • LOL@ generally opposed to umbrellas! That totally made me giggle! You’re lucky you have a great chemistry partner, mine has no clue (Chemistry doesn’t come easily for me either and I’m a lot better at it than she is), I usually do most of the work and she just copies my answers.

  2. I LOVE the cupboard!! Next time you are there, try the sunshine orzo pasta salad. It’s seriously to die for and I totally have re-created this at home since moving from Denton!

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